Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Concordia Lutheran College continues to monitor the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and would like to reassure parents and guardians that the health and wellbeing of our students, staff, families and community members is our number one priority.
Here is the latest update from the Head of College regarding the start of Term 1, 2022:
The following letter outlines the vaccination restrictions in place in Queensland:
Concordia will continue to update this page as further information becomes available.
As a member school of Australia Boarding Schools Association (ABSA), Concordia Lutheran College has pledged to support the ABSA COVID-Safe Charter. .
Resources for Parents & Guardians
- for young people
College Communications
Concordia Lutheran College will use the following communication channels to update parents regarding novel Coronavirus (COVID-19):
- Concordia Lutheran College app ( or )