The Week Ahead - End of Term 2, 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As we come to the end of Semester 1, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every family for your ongoing support of, loyalty towards, partnership with and willingness to engage in a strong working relationship as well as transparent conversations when and if needed, as together we continue supporting the learning and living of every student in our care. It has been wonderful to have completed a very settled and mostly Covid-free, albeit very busy, term at Concordia.
Our 2022 College theme of “Imagine the Possibilities” has definitely become that of “Embracing the Possibilities” as the students continue to break the glass ceilings which tend to hold them back from being brave and courageous. The students will be further supported, scaffolded and encouraged to “Fly with the Opportunities” made available to them in Term 3. Today, I spoke to the Stephen Street Campus students about not allowing the “enemy to sit at their table” and moving away from a mindset of “You against You!”
The Prep and Year 7 students need to be congratulated on how well they have settled into ‘big school” and high school life, respectively. Our current Year 12 students also need to be acknowledged for their calm and focused approach as a group, a tone and culture which has rubbed off on the students and tone at Stephen Street. This group will also be returning to their final full term of school life when they return at the start of Term 3.
Thank you to the Junior College parents for being part of the Parent-Teacher Conversations [interviews] this past week. We are also looking forward to hosting the Stephen Street families at conversations [interviews] on the first Monday back next term.
Thank you to all the teaching staff who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to wrap up the assessment, moderation and report writing processes which are all tied in with hosting these conversations as well as providing you with a Semester 1 report. These reports will be made available to you during next week. Please do not hesitate to contact the College if you require an additional meeting to discuss further certain aspects of your student’s report.
As we wrap up our focus on living with, loving unconditionally and helping our students, as as parents or their educators, I thought I’d sharewith you an extract from a devotion which I read this past week:
Impress [these commandments] on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up (Deuteronomy 6:7).
I don’t know if you’re like this, but sometimes I like to talk about the past, things I used to do when I was young, to impress kids about how ‘tough’ it was to live 40 years ago. You know, before the internet, mobile phones and remote-control TVs. Remember getting up to twist the knob to change the channel?
Frankly, the moment I start with, ‘When I was a kid …’ in that old codger-like voice, the kids have already tuned me out. They know what trouble and hardship are. They have to live with constant badgering online, persistent pressure to live up to unobtainable expectations, and so many channels on TikTok (I’m pretty sure they don’t watch TV anymore). I’m positive that I’m the one who would struggle growing up today.
But you know what does pique their interest? When I talk about how faith and life intersect. When we walk along the road and discover how God is still leading the charge in the world. Describing stories of God’s faithfulness even when I am not or speaking of spiritual struggle in a darkening world is of utmost importance. Even when they don’t respond with ‘Gee, that’s so awesome!’, I can tell a spark has flickered in their world.
Impressing our kids and giving them the knowledge and hope of enjoyably long life together is the joyful command of the Lord our God.
As you walk your journey this weekend, these holidays, as you sit at home or travel to work, and as you lie down and get up, impress the kids in your sphere of influence.
The Lord is our God. The Lord alone. And that’s enough.
Prayer: Help us to hear you, Lord, our God. When life seems difficult, remind us of your saving grace and help us repeat these amazing words to our children. Amen. [Acknowledgement: LCA Daily Devotions]
I would like to wish every family a well-deserved time of rest and slowing down over the next three weeks. Stay safe and warm and we look forward to receiving you back again on Tuesday 12 July.
Yours in Christ.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote: “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – [Coretta Scott King]
From the College Pastor
Playing by the Rules
Well, Semester 1 is coming to an end and, after the busy and full schedules of Term 2, students and staff are heading into a much needed time of rest and recharging.
As we look back, there is much to be thankful for. The Psalmist invites us to recognise this and join in praising God for his grace, protection, and guidance: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. (Ps 150:6).
I certainly thank God for this term and for opportunities to constantly learn new things.
One new thing I learned this week is how to play Touch Football.
The students had organised a lunchtime game of Year 12 students versus staff. I had never played Touch before but thought I’d give it a go. I learned what to do by observing others and being told off by the ref from time to time (Khan was very kind about it). Apparently, you need to stay 10m in front of the attacking line, and when you are the second person to get the ball after a touch, the opposition gets it, if they touch you. Anyway, the staff won in spite of my inexperienced presence!
It reminded me, however, how important it is to know the rules - and this applies to games as much as communities. That’s why we need to be clear about the ways we expect people to behave and interact in our community and families, communicate these expectations and rulers and remind people of them from time to time. These rules are generally in place to protect people and help communities function well, just like the rules of touch rugby enable a fair game to develop.
God provided some rules for the same purpose - to guide people and help relationships function well. We know them as the 10 Commandments, Jesus summed them up as love God and love your neighbour (eg Mark 12:30-31). We want to reflect God’s love in our community and so look to Jesus to guide us in our relationships and in the rules we operate by.
May you find guidance and direction through Christ to continually grow in developing positive relationships.
Wishing you safe and blessed school holidays and looking forward to see you all again in Term 3.
Pastor Thomas ö
College Pastor
Community News
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Reception Opening Hours
Reception on the Junior College campuses will close this afternoon Friday 17 June at 3.45pm. They will reopen on Monday 11 July at 7.45am. For any enquiries during this time, please contact the SSC Reception on 07 4688 2700 (opt 1).
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip Travel Shirts Order Form
As the Year 6 camp is just around the corner, we have started to organise the travel shirt which is included in the cost of the camp fees.
To ensure that we have the shirts ready for the students to travel in, we ask that you choose your child's size carefully from the sizing chart.
As we are starting school holidays please feel free to take a photo or scan an email the order form back to either Mrs Carolyn Lynch at or Mrs Marteen Paynter at
We will finalise the order in the first week of Term 3.
If your child has been absent from school please check your email for an .
JC Year 5 Camp Parent Information and Permission
On Wednesday 10 August, Year 5 students will attend the Emu Gully Adventure Park. For information on the camp and the packing list please see below.
Parents are also requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child/ren to attend by Wednesday 13 July.
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC Year 5 Camp 2022 >
- Accept >
- Save.
Important Note: Please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up to date regarding your child's Emergency Contact Information, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
JC Year 3 Koojarewon Youth Camp - Open Afternoon - 25 July 2022
We are very conscious that our Year 3 students have another ‘first’ in Term 3… it is their first school overnight camping experience.
While this is a little stressful for some students, it is majorly stressful for many parents. To assist both students and parents in this ‘first’, Koojarewon offer an opportunity for an optional pre-visit. This is a great opportunity for you to come out to the camp grounds and check out all of the facilities including the dorms, kitchen and dining hall and the overall camp environment. Camp staff will be there to field any questions from students and parents. The Year 3 teachers will also be there too.
If you are feeling a little unsettled about the upcoming camp, or would just like to come and check it out, feel free to come along on Monday 25 July between 3.30pm to 5pm.
Address for Google Maps: Koojarewon Youth Camp, 26 Borghardt Road Highfields.
From the Director of Campuses
Today we held our closing Chapel services at our Junior College Campuses and the theme was around “Celebration”. We have had much to celebrate with our students, and as I look back at Term 2 when writing to you this week, I realise that the amount of events and learning that has taken place in the last nine weeks is phenomenal. I commend the students on their efforts throughout the term and congratulate the teachers and support staff for all they have done. This afternoon there will be a post on Facebook which is a Junior College End of Term Wrap Up. Please take the time to watch this with your families and you will see all the wonderful things that have taken place throughout the term.
This week our parents have had the opportunity to share in the successes of the students through our Parent/Teacher Interviews, where they have had the opportunity to see the incredible amount of work that has been produced this term. Junior College report cards will be on Parent Lounge on Monday afternoon, and this will be another opportunity for you to see the progress of your students. Mrs Weier and I have enjoyed reading these report cards over the last week and seeing the achievements made by our students.
Today WSC says farewell to Ms Moira Downing our OSHC Service Leader. We thank Moira for all that she has done for this service and wish her all the best for the future. We look forward to welcoming Miss Hannah Weier as our new WSC OSHC Service Leader in the middle of next term. While we wait for Hannah to commence, Gail Jericho will be taking on the role of Acting Service Leader.
Finally, on behalf of Rowie and myself, I would like to wish you all a happy and safe holiday break. We look forward to seeing you back in Term 3.
Blessings for the week ahead
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 1.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 1.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campuses
JC Friday Inter-School Sport - Term 3
Boys and Girls Soccer
College Sports uniform. Senior teams may use the Concordia playing shirts depending on numbers. If they have their own shin pads, it is advised to use these, however, we will also have some available each week to borrow.
Where possible, students are advised to bring a pair of long sports socks (preferably blue) to assist in holding the shin pads in place during the game. Students may wear moulded playing boots or regular sports shoes/joggers.
Boys Rugby League
College Sports uniform. Teams will also be provided a jersey to wear each week for their respective game. Students may wear moulded playing boots or regular sports shoes/joggers.
It is also mandatory that ALL boys wear a mouthguard for their game. Mouthguards can be purchased from either sport stores such as Rebel or a Chemist. Your family dentist may also provide a fitted mouthguard (most health policies will allow you to claim a free mouthguard each year depending on cover). A mouthguard consent form must be filled in if your child wishes to play this sport.
Headgear while advisable, is not compulsory.
Girls Netball
College Sports uniform. Teams will be provided bibs to wear each week for their respective game. Students may wear their regular sports shoes/joggers.
Mixed Softball
College Sports uniform.
JC Sports News
JC 8-12Yrs Ball Games Carnival 2022
The annual ball games have been held at each of our Junior College campuses. These are always lots of fun and keenly contested between all houses in the quest to become the 2022 Inter-House Champions. This year a fiercely contested battle raged across the various divisions, with the lead changing on numerous occasions.
At the completion and tallying of points across the two campuses, the result was an unprecedented tie across all three Houses, which is an amazing outcome considering the number of teams and variety of games held. The recent State of Origin Rugby League game had nothing on this contest. The Ball Games Committee decided that a final Star Relay would be held to determine the 2022 Inter-House Champions. After another cracking contest, the winner was announced with Altus leading the way, closely followed by Stedman and Kessler. Well done to everyone!
Representative News
Congratulations to Emma Walkington who has recently been selected to compete in the Darling Downs 10-12 Yrs Girls Football Team at the State Championships next term. This is a great achievement.
Mr Darryl Fry
Teacher / Junior College Sports Coordinator / Head Coach: Touch
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Parent Information Session
The Junior College Year 6 teachers will be holding an information session to answer any questions you may have about the Year 6 Cairns Trip. All parents and Year 6 students are most welcome and are encouraged to attend.
This Parent Information session will be held Tuesday 2 August (Week 4, Term 3) at 5.30pm-6.30pm in the Year 6 classroom, Warwick Street Campus.
to register your attendance.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Student versus Parents/Staff Soccer Competition
Over the last 4 weeks, an Inter-House Soccer Competition was organised by the HSC Sport Captains and House Captains. This was a terrific and well supported contest with some great games and house interaction along the way. Stedman were the Champions of the competition. In Week 9, a Stedman students team played a combined staff and parent’s team. This was a fantastic battle with the scores fluctuating numerous times. The game ended with a 3 all draw at the final siren.
Thank you to all staff and parents who supported this on the day.
HSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note: Tuckshop will start in Week 2 Term 3.
HSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord
Mr Les Lord will commence chess lessons on Tuesday 19 July 2022 from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Art Room. The cost per student for six (6) lessons will be $45.00.
If your child would like to participate, please submit your payment and approval via Parent Lounge by Friday 15 July 2022.
Permission Required:
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment.
- login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on HSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord >
- click on Payment Details >
- click on confirmation and pay now >
- Accept >
- Save. If you need any further information please contact HSC Reception on 07 4688 2700 (Opt 2).
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note: Tuckshop will start in Week 2 Term 3.
WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3
WSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord
Mr Les Lord will commence chess lessons on Tuesday 19 July 2022 from 12.45pm to 1.30pm in the Year 4 Classroom. The cost per student for six (6) lessons will be $45.00.
If your child would like to participate, please submit your payment and approval via Parent Lounge by Friday 15 July 2022.
Permission Required:
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment.
- login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on WSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord >
- click on Payment Details >
- click on confirmation and pay now >
- Accept >
- Save. If you need any further information please contact HSC Reception on 07 4688 2700 (Opt 3).
Stephen Street Campus
Director of Campus Update
The school year hump day has arrived! How six months has passed is beyond me. What a great blessing it has been to grow within the Concordia community surrounded by such wonderful students, families and staff.
This holiday period is very important for us all to spend time with our families and get some much needed recovery from any illnesses that have been lingering as we have pushed ahead. I wish all of our families the very best for the break, and pray that everyone stays safe and healthy.
It is with great sadness that we farewell Mrs Suzette Vermeulen who has been a fantastic addition to our staff within the HPE, Christian Studies and English departments this term. Suzette will be spending more time doing the “mum thing” with her very busy family life. We wish her all the best, but know she will still be helping us out in a relief capacity for the remainder of the year.
We have Timothy Hamlyn and Joshua Biscoe joining our full-time teaching staff next term. We will introduce them more fully at the start of term through a Facebook profile. Welcome aboard Timothy and Joshua!
Our first lot of report cards have been issued this week, starting with Year 11 and 12. Next week our Years 7-10 reports will also be released. I encourage you think carefully about the conversations you have with your child about their report. Here are some suggested steps:
Preparing For the report card conversation
Whether you are happy or disappointed with your child’s report card, have a discussion together about the results. This report card discussion is an important part of helping your child succeed by knowing his or her strengths and weaknesses. It also helps your child see you as an active participant in his or her education who is there to provide support.
Plan the discussion ahead of time
Before you sit down with your child, write down key points you want to discuss. Planning gives you the chance to think about what you want to talk about with your child (and how) so you can have a positive, more productive chat.
Make a statement of intent
Tell your child upfront that you want to have a talk about the report card. Don’t beat around the bush.
Sit down together
Plan time as a family to have the report card chat with no distractions. Don’t talk about the report card while your child is playing the Xbox. This is an important conversation that should be had with proper thought and planning.
Remove distractions
Make sure you and your child talk in an area where you are able to focus on the conversation. Turn off the TV and put away any device that could distract you or your child from your discussion.
Start with something positive
Get off on the right foot by highlighting something positive about the report card, no matter how small. This helps your child relax and sets the tone for a positive conversation.
Review learning strengths
Reviewing a report card shouldn’t just be about the negatives; this is also a chance to identify where your child is excelling. Highlight your child’s strengths by saying something like, “You are doing great in math, which is awesome!” This encourages your child to recognize his or her strengths and builds motivation to keep improving other areas.
Recognize the struggle
Let your child share his or her thoughts, comments, and worries in the discussion. Giving your child an opportunity to talk about his or her academic performance or why he or she may be struggling can give you valuable insight on the best way to help.
Reframe the complaints
Children who are struggling the most in school are usually the most vocal. Have your child think about his or her complaints and what he or she needs to solve them. This teaches your child to think past his or her problems, and create a more positive view by thinking about solutions to problems.
End with optimism
Assure your child that there is time for improvement and you are here to help create a plan for success.
Parent /Student /Teacher interviews will be held on Monday 11 July – as outlined in the emailed out when your child’s report is issued. Please consider your child’s teachers request for an interview, but also feel free to make a booking even if your teacher hasn’t requested it.
Have a wonderful break.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
AFL Gala Day
Congratulations to our Senior AFL Girls who placed second in their division at the AFL Gala Day last week. Well done, girls!
Media Club Update
What a sensational first term of Media Club we have had! It's been wonderful to see our students thinking creatively and working collaboratively to create some great videos this term.
We have been learning how to put together a television news story this term with our first one going live last week, featuring our new Coordinator of Music Performance, Ms Christina Marangelli. There have also been some videos created for Open Day and we are eagerly awaiting an interview with our resident rock stars, The Fella. Stay tuned for that one.
We have also been approached by members of staff to work on some more new and exciting projects next term. We are also hoping to turn one of the rooms at the Media Clubhouse into a TV studio set so we can create news bulletins.
This week we had our first excursion to the Triple M and HitFM radio station in town. The students go to enter the studios where Lee Faulkner (Triple M) and MJ (HitFM) broadcast their shows. Lee and MJ were incredibly generous with their time and the students really enjoyed the experience. Some even had their voices recorded for the radio!
We look forward to sharing more exciting Media Club productions next term.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Farewell to our Boarders!
Term 2 has now come to an end and we look forward to you all reuniting with your children.
What a wonderful term we have all had! Our dorms will be quiet for a week or so and then we will have our visitors staying over - an Under 10s Rugby Union group.
I am delighted to say how impressed we are in the way our students have all packed up their personal belongings and cleaned their areas. This has been a mammoth task for some who, I am sure, found personal belongings they had not seen since Year 8 or Year 9. Areas being so compact, misplaced items have now been found or discarded.
Our far North Queensland students departed at 5.00am this morning, excited and ready to go home. As they departed down the drive I took this beautiful photo. It was a lovey morning.

Next term, there will be plenty of activities for the students to get involved in. The boys will be going on an overnight camp - they have been asked to bring back a sleeping bag (we do not have any in Boarding) and if they have a 1- or 2-man tent, they can bring that back as well, that would be great. We are looking to borrow a couple of camp ovens if anyone is willing to lend them to Mr Andrew for the camp.
A trip to Brisbane has also been planned and lots of local fun activities.
The school is very active on ensuring students do not use their phones during school time. Day and Boarders alike are permitted to take their phones to school with the understanding that they are placed in their lockers and not used during the day. Please encourage your child to do the right thing. Phone will be confiscated if this continues.
Teenage boys (and girls) go through growth spurts; we have noticed some with pants that need to be taken down or replaced. Uniforms can be purchased through the Uniform shop.
All students are expected to consume an evening meal in the Dining room with their peers. It is important that all students develop good social skills, and this includes table manners and etiquette.
Many students are filling up on cereal, bread and noodles in the afternoons and not eating a balanced meal at night times. To encourage students to eat the evening meal cereal, bread and noodles will not be readily available in the afternoon. This will be made available for supper. Afternoon tea is supplied and can be collected on their way home from school. Students are welcome to bring in a care package however it must be stored in a plastic airtight container in their lockers.
It would be greatly appreciated if each student returned with their own plate, cup and knives and forks. This is so as we can withdraw the use of paper plates and plastic cutlery to make the world a safer place for our kids and grandkids.
Take care everyone and see you all next term
Look after each other and travel safely.
Ms Maureen Taurima
Girls Boarding Houseparent