
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 10

Monday 27 March 2023 to Friday 31 March 2023

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The quality, calibre, outstanding manners and social awareness of our students is something which we have affirmed to us often through various layers of the community. I’d say it’s like parenting where one doesn’t know how one’s child is presenting to family, friends and the general public, until someone actually references their great behaviours first-hand which is followed by a sigh of relief. I was fortunate enough last Friday night to attend the Year 10 Dinner and then to witness our students in action at the Open Day on Saturday. The saying goes that “it takes a village to raise a child.” Well, I’m pleased to let you know that the “Concordia village” is thriving as the collective members of the village, home and College, are doing a great job of raising, equipping, scaffolding and guiding fine young people for the world.

From the College Pastor

Community News

2023 Darling Downs Open Chess Tournament - 13 & 14 May 2023

CLC Cross Country Inter-House Carnival - 29 March

On Wednesday 29 March, we will be holding the CLC Cross Country Inter-House Carnival. For more information, please for the 2023 program.

Sports News

Congratulations to all of our students who were a part of all of our recent events.

What a great term of sport for our College. Next week we have our Inter-House Cross Country, which our long-distance athletes will be excited for. We look forward to seeing them compete hard and doing the best they can. I encourage all students to do their best even thought at times it may seem easier to give up. As somebody who always struggled with endurance events, these quotes might help you as well with your mindset and thinking!

The body achieves what the mind believes.' [Napoleon Hill]

No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch. [Mick Kremling]

Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up. [Dean Karnazes]

LYQ Winter Christian Life Week Camp 2023 - Years 7-12

Christian Life Week (CLW) Camp is coming up midyear – All welcome! 
Book at

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

JC Year 4 Camp

The Year 4 Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus students will be attending a three day camp from Wednesday 26 April to Friday 28 April 2023 at , Tallebudgera located at (Phone – 5507 0200).

The students will participate in a variety of activities suitable for their age and ability levels. The activities are designed for fun, experiential learning, personal development and building team skills.

JC Sports Carnivals - Save the Dates

Please click on the program below to see the dates set aside for all of the Junior College Athletics Carnivals.

JC Sports News

Friday Inter-School Sport
This Friday saw the culmination of our primary sport fixtures for Term 1, in which we participated in Girls Touch Football, Mixed Tennis and Boys AFL. Our Concordia teams performed exceptionally well, showing fantastic sportsmanship, and improving each week with their skill and newfound knowledge of these team sports.

Thank you to all persons who assisted in some way this term to provide the opportunity for our students to have a game of their chosen sport. From all reports and watching the students each week, some great memories have been made throughout the term. Special mention to our coaching team, Mr Paul Baker, Mr John Trappett, Miss Kellie Maddock, Miss Lindsay Grahame, and Mrs Monique Hannemann that assisted on all your efforts during the term. I really loved the feedback and game recounts from both staff and students each week of their games. A big thank you to the people behind the scenes such as our admin staff and bus drivers who make sure each week that our students get to where they need to be. Your flexibility is greatly appreciated.

Next term, there is no Friday Interschool sport. For the first 3 weeks, we will train for our Track and Field Carnival. From this point, our focus each Friday afternoon will be on preparation for the annual Ball Games Carnival which will be held in Week 6.

Contemporary Learning Tours

Contemporary learning refers to the modern approach to education that takes into account the latest advancements in technology and teaching methodologies. It emphasises personalised, collaborative, and self-directed learning, where learners are empowered to take control of their learning experiences. This approach recognises that traditional classroom-based learning is not enough to prepare learners for the fast-paced and constantly changing world we live in. Instead, contemporary learning seeks to create an environment that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and innovation. It encourages the use of technology and multimedia tools to support learning, and values the importance of lifelong learning as a means of staying relevant in today's rapidly evolving society. 

Overdue Library Books and žžƵ Readers

The younger students have all settled into a very good routine on their Library visits. They have become very independent at returning their books as well as choosing new ones either for their classroom book boxes or for taking home and are making some great choices. Most children are remembering to bring along their library bags to change over their books. Please assist your children in being organised by ensuring they pack their library bag on their designated library day.

As we are very near the end of the term, I would love to have all overdue Library Books and žžƵ Readers returned. Borrowing will be encouraged for over the holidays for children to continue with reading books for pleasure while enjoying a slower pace for a few weeks. Any books that are more than two weeks overdue will be billed for at the end of each term. The amount will be the replacement cost which may include postage for Library Books and žžƵ Readers. There have been some books returned recently that are damaged mostly from being in school bags with leaking water bottles or food. The Concordia Uniform Shop sells Library bags that will help to preserve the books and prevent this from happening. I would encourage every student to have one of these for the books they borrow to take home.

Mrs Karen Maben
Junior Campus Library Coordinator

JC Prep 2024 Information Session - 27 March

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Colour Explosion Fun Run - Schedule and what to bring

We will be running our Colour Explosion Fun Run on Thursday 30 March with a meal deal on offer for the first break. All orders for the meal deal must be ordered online at My Student Account. The meal deal closes on Monday 27 March at 3pm. 

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 1, Week 10.

2023 Tennis Coaching at HSC

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 2, 2023. Please click below for the relevant information:

HSC Colour Fun Run Meal Deal - Thursday 30 March

On Thursday 30 March, we will be holding a meal deal for our Colour Fun Run. This meal deal can only be ordered through My Student Account.

Single Sausage Sizzle Meal Deal - $6.00
1 x Sausage Sizzle
1 x Fruit Salad
1 x Fruit Box

Double Sausage Sizzle Meal Deal - $7.50
2 x Sausage Sizzle
1 x Fruit Salad
1 x Fruit Box

Orders will close at 3pm on Monday 27 March.

Eve's Story

2020 will be recorded in our minds and remembered by history for obvious COVID reasons, but for one of our students and her family, it will forever be a date that reminds them of the beginning of one of the toughest journey’s we hope they ever face.

Eve began prep with us in 2020. She was vivacious student full of personality and a keen learner. December that year, she was diagnosed with children's leukemia and was in hospital receiving treatment within days.

Farewell to Mrs Rachael Burrows

This morning we had the opportunity to thank Mrs Rachael Burrows for 18 years of service to our school. Rachael has been a much-loved teacher as she fully epitomised our Concordia mantra of our students being ‘fully known and fully loved’. We thank Rachael and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.

No HSC Tuckshop in Week 10

Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 2 Week 2.

HSC Photo Day - 27 March

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 2

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 2. Click the relevant link below for further information:

WSC Parent Connect

The WSC Parent Connect have held their first meeting for 2023. For those of you who weren’t able to join us, please see the “fundraising” and “friend raising” ideas for 2023 below:

Term 2       
11 May    Mother’s Day Stall          
12 May    Student Disco and Parent Wine and Cheese

Term 3
31 August Father’s Day Stall
WSC Cookie Dough Drive

Term 4
WSC Parent Connect Family Fun Day (Date to be advised)

Our WSC 2022 Trivia Night raised nearly $9000. What an incredible result! If you would like to hear what we are putting this money towards at WSC, our next meeting will be on Wednesday 3 May at 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there.  

Our campus has a Facebook page where the parents of the campus can connect, ask questions, and share information. This page is private. Apply and admin will approve within a short time. Our page is called 'WSC Parent Connect'. 

No WSC Tuckshop in Week 10

Please note that there will not be any tuckshop in Week 10. Tuckshop will resume in Term 2 Week 2.

WSC Weekly Events

Please  to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 10.

Stephen Street Campus

SSC Weekly Events

Please  to view SSC's Events for Term 1, Week 10.

Tennis 2023


Boarding News

Hi to all our boarder families.

We are all on the home stretch now and your children are eagerly counting down the days. Our last week will be a busy one with our Japanese visitors arriving on Sunday and leaving at the end of the week. Our dorms will be humming along with chatter and laughter. Most of the students can speak English well, which allows our students to have friendly conversations. There will be a lot of cultural exchanges and friendships established. It will be a fun week.

Welcome from the Leadership Team