The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 5
Monday 19 February - Friday 23 February
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Concordia Lutheran College has introduced a new approach to our The Week Ahead newsletter, to improve the way we connect with our community.
With this change, our Leadership team will write articles monthly, offering deeper insights into the heart of our College’s operations.
Don’t worry, our weekly newsletters will continue to provide a steady stream of updates regarding upcoming events and pertinent information.
We're committed to ensuring that our communications serve the best interests of our families.
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes - Fundraiser
Thank you to our community for your support of Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) and the children of Ukraine.
This year we asked for a gold coin donation for the pancakes and raised $534.85 (HSC $183 (incl Kindy), WSC $236 and SSC $115.85) in support of children suffering from the ongoing war in Ukraine. This was an initiative of ALWS.
May our Lord bless your Lenten time.
Pastor Thomas.
Library Lover’s Week
This week we celebrate love... Love of libraries and reading! The 14th of February is officially library lovers' day and the 12th- 16th February is Queensland School Library Week.
This year in our libraries, we are focusing on how reading and libraries can contribute to positive wellbeing for our students. While we all know that reading and books are vital for literacy and learning, books and libraries are increasingly being recognised as vital for our mental health as well. Across our three campuses, students use the library as a place to meet and socialise, take a quiet break, follow a passion or escape into a story. All of these activities allow students to pause in a meaningful way to them.
Maybe you could celebrate Library Lovers Day by finding a book series that you could read together as a family, or share a treasured picture book from your childhood.
Happy reading!
Go For Gold
The Go for Gold initiative aims to enhance and build new sports infrastructure in schools for students and local communities across Queensland to encourage greater participation in sports. It will also provide sports equipment for state and non-state schools across the state.
Delivered through an , the initiative provides opportunities for investment in projects such as:
- sports equipment to increase student activity, participation in sports or active engagement in learning at schools
- 5-sport marking for indoor or outdoor sports facilities
- multi-purpose courts
- synthetic pitches to facilitate athletics and field sports
- refurbishment of outdoor court surfaces
- upgrades to ovals
- investment opportunities for emerging sports
- infrastructure to support increased sports participation.
Go for Gold funding will be prioritised to encourage schools to facilitate community use of school sports facilities to increase the impact of this investment.
Concordia received funds and purchased cricket equipment, which the students have already used and are excited about.
Soloist Concert
Interested students should register via Parent Lounge by accepting the invitation by 4 March.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC AFL & Netball Sporting Schools Program
Sporting Schools is a national program which aims to engage more children in more sport-based activity within schools and then convert their interest into club-based settings. It also aims to help children foster a lifelong interest in sport, gain a healthier mind and body, have fun, and learn sport activities and games in a safe environment. Funding is available to schools to engage quality coaches to deliver sporting programs developed by the partners of Sporting Schools.
In Term 1, the funding will be used to support an after-school AFL Program as well as an after-school Netball Program. These Programs introduce students to the fundamental skills of this sport across a range of fun and engaging game-based activities. AFL and Netball are truly inclusive sports and provide the opportunity for persons of all ages, genders and abilities. The details of these Programs can be found below:
Term 1 - AFL Sporting Schools Program
Eligible Students: JC Years 3-6 students
Staff in Charge: AFL QLD Development Officers
Coaching: AFLQ
Cost: Nil - Funded by Sporting Schools Program
Participation: Limit of 25 students (first in basis)
Venue/Time Dates: Hume Street Campus - Oval, 3.30pm-4.30pm
Wednesday, 21 February
Wednesday, 28 February
Wednesday, 6 March
Wednesday, 13 March
Wednesday, 20 March
Wednesday, 27 March
Term 1 - Netball Sporting Schools Program
Eligible Students: JC Years 3-6 students
Staff in Charge: CLC Netball Coaches
Cost: Nil - Funded by Sporting Schools Program
Participation: Limit of 30 students (first in basis)
Venue/Time Dates: Warwick Street Campus, 3.30pm-4.30pm
Monday, 19 February
Monday, 26 February
Monday, 4 March
Monday, 11 March
Monday, 18 March
Monday, 25 March
To submit your child/children's interest in participating, go to > Events & Payments. Permission is due TODAY.
Please note, Parents are responsible for collecting their child/children after the session concludes. WSC Students attending AFL are able to catch a college bus over to HSC if required (subject to seats available). To make the bus booking please email with the specific dates required.
JC Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus students will be attending a three day camp from Monday 4 March to Wednesday 6 March at , Tallebudgera located at (Phone – 5507 0200).
The students will participate in a variety of activities suitable for their age and ability levels. The activities are designed for fun, experiential learning, personal development and building team skills.
Drop Off and Pick Up from HSC: We ask that parents drop their child at the Hume Street Campus (HSC) on Monday 4 March by 7.15am, for a 7.30am departure. The students will depart the Gold Coast Recreation Centre at 1.30pm, Wednesday 6 March and should arrive at HSC at approximately 4.30pm. Students can be picked up anytime after this. Parking for both the drop off and pick up will be on the sports oval.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child’s teacher.
Permissions Required Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission.
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2024 Year 4 Camp >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child’s Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child’s teacher.
JC Years 3-6 Makers Empire Information
Parents/Careers, Exciting news! This year, we will be using Makers Empire again in our Years 3-6 classes.
JC NAPLAN - 2024
NAPLAN tests well be conducted throughout Australian schools during 13-22 March 2024.
Junior College Dates:
- Wednesday 13 March - Writing
- Tuesday 19 March - Reading and Language Conventions
- Wednesday 20 March - Numeracy
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum.
NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learnt. NAPLAN tests give you information on how your child is progressing against national standards.
Teachers have been working with students to ensure they are familiar with the test formats. Excessive preparation and discussion using the terms of NAPLAN is not useful and can lead to unnecessary anxiety.
NAPLAN test days should be treated as just another routine event on the school calendar. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program and to advise them to simply do the best they can on the day.
To help prepare your child on the day, please ensure that they have a good night’s sleep, a suitable breakfast and arrive on time at school.
Using and Updating Parent Lounge
Updating Student Medical Details
Shrove Tuesday with pancakes this week, highlighted to us that we do have some students with dietary requirements who are not recorded as such in . As a priority, please check your and ensure that all records are accurate and up to date. Please add any food intolerances under Medical Conditions, selecting one of the many options in the drop-down box relating to ‘Allergic’ or ‘Diet’. If the food intolerance you need to enter isn’t listed, please select ‘Diet – Other’ and include the specifics in the ‘Details’ section.
Using and Updating Parent Lounge
We are always investigating ways to utilise Parent Lounge for effective communication between parents and the College. We have uploaded some short tutorial videos that have been created by TASS (Parent Lounge developer) to assist parents with becoming familiar with Parent Lounge. These videos can be found under School Links > Tutorial Videos – Parents.
The following tutorial videos are currently available:
Updating Media Consent, Intercampus Travel & ICT Policy
It is important that the College maintains accurate records of parents’ consent regarding media, intercampus travel and ICT (information communication technology). Existing families are reminded that consent from previous years carries over each year until graduation. If you would like to update your records, please complete the .
Parents of new students who have not completed the are asked to do so by Friday 23 February.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 1 2024, Week 5.
Attention Parents: We are Welcoming a Student with a Severe Egg Allergy to our Community
Dear Parents
It has been wonderful to welcome so many new students to our community this term. In welcoming these new students, it is timely to remind you of the allergies of some of our students and how we can work together to support them. We do have 2 children with severe allergies to nuts and 1 with severe allergy to egg.
It is vital for us to create an environment where everyone feels included and protected. We would like to kindly ask for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to accommodate these student’s needs and ensure their safety.
Here are a couple of ways you are able to assist us.
- Please avoid bringing nut items, boiled eggs and egg sandwiches to school.
- If you do include these items in your students' lunch on any given day, please email your classroom teacher so that we can take appropriate action to keep our little person safe.
- If your child has eggs before school, can you please ensure that they wash their hands well before entering school grounds.
- As a school community, this is an opportunity to foster an atmosphere of empathy and support and teach our children about the importance of inclusivity and understanding. This will not only benefit the students with allergies but will also create a more compassionate environment for everyone.
- In the event of an allergic reaction, our staff members are trained to respond promptly and effectively. We have protocols in place to handle such situations and your child’s safety remains our top priority.
By working together as a community, we can create a safe and welcoming environment for all our students, including those with special dietary needs. Your cooperation and support are greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 5 2024.
WSC Parent Connect Meeting - Tuesday 20 February
Our first Parent Connect meeting for 2024 will be held this Tuesday 20 February at 5.30pm in the Resource Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please add these dates below to your calendar.
- Tuesday 14 May
- Tuesday 6 August
- Tuesday 29 October
WSC Campus Photos – Monday 18 March
WSC Campus Photos – Monday 18 March
Our campus photos are scheduled for Monday 18 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform. All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.
Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia Lutheran College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Warwick Street Campus Shed between 8am and 8.15am on photo day.
It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done, please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day.

Stephen Street Campus
Sport News
Sports News – Term 1, Week 5
Volleyball Round 3
Junior Girls: Lost 2-1 to St Saviours
Intermediate Girls (Year 9): Won 3-0 against TAS
Intermediate Girls (Year 10): Won 2-1 against Downlands
Senior Girls: Lost 2-1 to St Saviours
Futsal Round 3 vs St Mary's
U15 Girls: Lost
Open Girls: Lost
U13 Boys: Forfeit due to Camp
U15 Boys: Won 6-0
Open Boys: Lost 4-3
Cricket Round 2 vs Downlands
Junior Boys: Postponed
Senior Boys: Postponed
Boarding News
Hello to all our families!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the slightly cooler weather. The students certainly are.
The days and weeks are passing by so quickly this term. No doubt keeping everyone busy and engaged in extracurricular activities and weekend activities has helped. Most students have a good sleep-in on the weekends to recharge the battery. We are hoping you all are getting good rest and taking some time out for yourselves. Most of our new students have settled into the boarding routines and are doing a fantastic job of working independently to achieve their goals every day.
School Volleyball, Basketball, Cricket, Futsal, Netball and AFL are all in full swing. This week we have Joy Boniepe Yr11 playing her first game of AFL- It is never too late. Word off the field was that Joy played a massive game. Well done, Joy!
Evie Yeatman will attend the Darling Downs Netball trials today and we wish her all the best. Competition this year is very tough. There is a lot of talent within the Downs.
The students enjoyed Ten Pin bowling this weekend and a trip to the shopping centre.
Year 7 students enjoyed their camp, lots of new experiences for some and the Year 10 Dinner is being held tonight.
Till next week
Take care and look after each other.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents