The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 3
Monday 2 May to Friday 6 May 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Winter has paid us an early reminder and taster this past week of what’s to come. Thank you for your support in getting your student[s] swapped over into the correct Winter Uniform requirements. I need to acknowledge and thank our Senior College Captains, Amyleigh and Mark, for the excellent way in which they represented Concordia at the Anzac Day Service last Monday. Thank you to Pastor Thomas for accompanying the students on the morning. From all accounts the Year 4 students have had a great camp on the Gold Coast this week and it’s wonderful to see these important social growth events happening for the students again. Thank you to the Year 4 staff as well as the Administration staff members from the Junior College for the many hours spent planning and hosting this camp. Enjoy receiving your children back this afternoon as well as listening to their many stories about the last few days.
As we head into our Track and Field season, I would like to extend a warm welcome for you to be part of these carnivals on the day. Thank you to the many parents, caregivers and family members who attended the Prep to Year 2 Carnival at Hume Street Campus this morning. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the SSC Carnival next week on Thursday and JC Carnival next week on Friday – both carnivals will take place at Stephen Street Campus. We look forward to sharing with you next week the results of the Central Zone Cross Country, for 10-12 Yrs, which was held at Kearney Springs today.
Given that one of the strategic focus areas for Concordia is the ongoing wellbeing journey for both our students and staff, I will use the opportunity of this weekly newsletter, over the coming weeks, to provide you with useful information regarding this topic. This week I would like to focus on the PERMAH Model framework, which has been published by Martin Seligman, and how a combination of PERMAH is important to you and your child’s wellbeing. Let’s have a look at simple things you can do as a family to ensure each of these elements of PERMAH are healthy and happening for you:
P – Positive Emotions and Gratitude: it is the frequency and not the intensity of positive emotions which has the greatest influence on growing your own and your children’s wellbeing. For everyone, social connection is the best way to achieve this. To self-generate positive emotions, try these things: exercise first thing every morning, text a friend who is struggling, aim to do three kind acts every day and FaceTime grandparents, family members and close family friends.
E – Engagement and Mindfulness: your own negative mind chatter will probably be the biggest hurdle to control and overcome. Remember, your children are likely to imitate you. To focus try to create I will and I can self-talk statements, colour in for 10 minutes and breathe deeply and slowly [four seconds in through your nose, hold for four seconds, exhale through your mouth and repeat four or five times].
R – Relationships and Empathy: other people are the best antidotes for life’s ups and downs. Use Zoom and Skype for you and your children to see happy and smiling faces you enjoy catching up with, break out Uno, Scrabble and other fun games to generate easy conversations and laughter, have fun cooking together and do wellbeing fitness challenges together. Uninterrupted face-to-face interaction is critically important in the busyness of our everyday lives.
M – Meaning and Purpose: in these times, feelings of vulnerability are perfectly normal for both you and your children. As a family, make cards to drop in the letterboxes of elderly people in your street or neighbourhood, make fun family movies and as a family follow, learn about and become involved in a caring charity.
A – Accomplishment and Optimism: to cultivate feelings of optimism in your family that together you can influence your own futures, set a goal at home every day. Grow a vegetable garden as a family, paint a room or a piece of furniture, do one extra sit up or push up and encourage your children to complete one thing at a time and to do it well.
H – Health and Strengths: to keep your own and your children’s immune system strong, focus on the big five – healthy fresh eating, one hour’s exercise, at least eight hour’s sleep, drinking plenty of water and looking on the bright side of life. An uplifting family activity is to identify your top character strength by doing the free online Strengths Survey at . Everyone puts their strengths on the fridge and tries spotting them. [Acknowledgement: Mick Walsh]
Stay safe and enjoy the Labour Day long weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” [James Baldwin]
From the College Pastor

This is my first real autumn experience in the last seven years – they call it autumn in Brisbane too, but it really is only a change from hot and sticky to pleasant and warm weather. Anzac morning was quite bracing and gave us a taste of things to come. I love the change of colour of the leaves, the cooler weather, the turn of the season.
But change also has a cost, it’s easier to catch a cold this time of year, you have to be prepared for sudden changes in the weather and adjust to the cooler times.
I am just reading through some life reflections my Dad shared with me recently – currently going through those about the momentous changes of the late 1980s and early 1990s, as people in East Germany and elsewhere in the communist bloc started taking to the streets demanding change. This ultimately led to the fall of the wall, a very symbolic event that opened chances for a different approach in world relationships, one of more cooperation than cold war, of disarmament and peace.
It’s interesting for me, who watched these events from the outside, to again get the inside view, the amazing speed of change, the fears and uncertainties of that time, the real possibility of bloodshed and tanks on the streets (Tiananmen Square was the same year), but also the hopes and dreams of the people, which were not always realistic. And while today there are those in the East who are nostalgic about the past (they even have a word for it: Ostalgia [East-talgia]), many realise that things could not go on at that time and that change was needed and the changes that happened were by and large positive for those in the former East. An interesting aside: Dad mentions in his notes that Ukraine declared independence fairly early in the 1990s! But there were losers as well with all these changes and some people experienced unemployment (my dad almost did), poverty and being pushed to the sidelines, especially as industry in the East collapsed.
Looking back 30 years later, we certainly realise that not all the hopes of that time have come true and we are finding ourselves again in a time of increased militarisation and international tensions. It appears that change is a constant in human lives, and the writer of Ecclesiastes reflects on this when he writes:
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
But he writes these lines not in a resigned or hopeless way, as he continues:
9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. (Eccl 3:9-13)
We are people of Easter, people of hope, people who have been given the understanding that God finally has the last word, and that in Christ even death has been overcome. This faith/trust can enable us to indeed find joy and fulfilment in the tasks before us, receiving each day as gift and seeing the blessings all around – whether they be coloured leaves or a smile form a stranger in the street or some small positive happening in our lives, and give thanks to God for these things. This can also help us not to be overwhelmed by the present uncertainties and changes. I guess our term theme: Keeping your eyes on Jesus is relevant and helpful.
May God bless you, give you eyes and hearts to notice the good things around you and fill you with hope as we enter this season of autumn.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Youth Alpha - Expressions of Interest

Last year, Pastor Nathan and I ran a Youth Alpha course for students of Concordia, which was well received. We are considering running another one of these courses.
It would involve a weekday (possibly Tuesday) evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at Stephen Street Campus, with a tea supplied and then some discussion around the Alpha provided videos and some games. There are about 12 sessions and we would plan to offer it from mid Term 2 through Term 3, with a special event at the end.
If you are interested in your child (from Years 7 to 12) to come along, please indicate your interest by emailing Pastor Thomas ( by Friday 28 April 2022.
Thank you and God bless,
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Community News
For Sale
2015 Toyota Aurion Prodigy - $17,500
- Silver in colour, leather seats
- Automatic, 87,000km
- Comes with Roadworthy
- Very good condition, fully detailed.
Please contact Tyrone Lanagan via SSC Reception (4688 2700) if interested in viewing.
NAPLAN Information
NAPLAN tests will be conducted in 2022. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in NAPLAN tests. Concordia Lutheran College will be conducting NAPLAN tests through online testing. The testing dates for Concordia are:
- Junior College: Monday 9 May to Thursday 12 May
- Middle College: Wednesday 11 May to Friday 13 May
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum. Concordia teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Practice testing has taken place for all students who need to undertake the NAPLAN testing in 2022.
NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learnt. NAPLAN tests give you information on how your child is progressing against national standards.
Adjustments can be provided for students with disability to enable them to access the tests on an equivalent basis to students without disability.
Parents or guardians may withdraw their child from the tests to address issues such as religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing. It is recommended that withdrawal be considered in consultation with your child's classroom teacher at Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus or the Learning Enrichment Coordinator at Stephen Street Campus.
Formal notification must be received by the College by 9 May. or you can contact Hume Street Campus Reception, Warwick Street Campus Reception or Stephen Street Student Services for a hard copy of this document.
Please find below some links to information regarding NAPLAN.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Junior College Directors
Stepping outside the classroom and getting on a bus to go to school camp can often come with mixed emotions. As we farewelled our Year 4 students as they headed off to Tallebudgera this week, many different emotions were evident. Some were a little anxious, others were bursting with excitement and some just weren’t too sure how to feel!
School camps are an important part of the curriculum and give students opportunities to learn new skills, develop independence and expand their friendships. Students and teachers seeing each other in a different environment enables them to further build on their relationships which in turn enhances student learning. As the bus pulls into HSC this afternoon I’m sure there will be some tired faces but also many stories to tell - from students and teachers!
Today saw us begin our Track and Field season with our first event being our Junior College P-2 Inter-House Track and Field Carnival. Although a little soggy under foot, all students put in their best efforts and had a wonderful morning. This event will be followed by our Junior College 3-6 Inter-House Track and Field Carnival on Friday 6 May at SSC. This season will finish with our Ball Games being held on each campus on Friday 27 May. We wish all students well as they compete in these events.
A special reminder to all of our Mums for our Mother’s Day events on Thursday 5 May. Please see the invites to your campus’ event below. We look forward to seeing you there!
to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.
to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 3.
All the best for the week ahead.
Mrs Juanetta Priest - Director of Campus (Hume Street)
Mrs Jackie Minnikin - Director of Campus (Warwick Street)
NAPLAN for Years 3 and 5
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum. Teachers have been working with students to ensure they are familiar with the test formats. Excessive preparation and discussion using the terms of NAPLAN is not useful and can lead to unnecessary anxiety.
NAPLAN test days should be treated as just another routine event on the school calendar. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program and to advise them to simply do the best they can on the day.
To help prepare your child on the day, please ensure they have a good night’s sleep, a suitable breakfast and arrive on time at school.
JC Years 3-6 Inter-House Track & Field Carnival
On Friday 6 May, the Junior College Years 3 to 6 will be competing in the annual Track and Field Carnival at SSC. for a copy of the program.
We are also seeking Parent Volunteers to help out with Timekeeping and Check Starter on the day. If you are available and would like to help out in one of these roles, please submit your availability via the link below.
JC Years 3-6 Track & Field Carnival Meal Deal

Junior College Open Day Information
On Saturday 14 May we will be holding our Open Day. We will be holding activities for the students at each campus. More information and an activity booking form will be sent out next week with further details.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note that due to the JC Yr 3-6 Track & Field Carnival there will be no Tuckshop this week. Tuckshop will resume in Week 4.
HSC Mother's Day Pancake Parlour Invitation - Thursday 5 May
HSC Parent Connect Mother's Day Stall - Wednesday 4 May
This year, the HSC P&F Committee will be having a Mother's Day Stall on Wednesday 4 May. The gifts will be $5.00 each and can be for Mums, Nannies/Grandmas or other special motherly role models in your family. Any children who are away on the Wednesday can select their gifts on the Thursday.
For ordering purposes, please indicate if you are wanting to purchase a gift and how many you would like via the form below.
HSC Parent Connect Survey 2022
Parents and guardians of Concordia Lutheran College are critical stakeholders in the provision of Christian co-education in the Lutheran tradition for their children. As such, they choose to send their children to Concordia Lutheran College and are welcome to be involved with the College at many levels.
The focus of Parent Connect is to connect parents and guardians to the College through both fundraising and friend raising activities. For the full copy of our Parent Connect Guidelines, .
We meet about one to two times per term and then meet as required in preparation for an event.
2021 saw the Parent Connect purchase for HSC:
- 2 x 3D Printers
- Portable Soundsystem
We would like to offer a survey for parents to assist in nominating if you would like to be a part of the fundraising and friend raising for HSC. Part of this survey is to work out the best time to hold our meetings.
Thank you for your interest and assistance.
HSC Parent Connect Election Day Sausage Sizzle - Request for Volunteers
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
Please note that due to the JC Yr 3-6 Track & Field Carnival there will be no Tuckshop this week. Tuckshop will resume in Week 4.
Mother’s Day Celebration - Thursday 5 May

Please click on the link to register your attendance
WSC Mother’s Day Stall – Thursday 5 May
Our Mother's Day Stall will be held on Thursday 5 May. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.
Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Mums, Nannies, Grandmas or any other special motherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 5 May. Please place the money in an envelope marked with:
- Child’s name
- Amount in envelope
- Number of gifts to be purchased
Word on the Street
The Word on the Street at WSC is that Mrs Minnikin is offering a prize this term to all students if we can keep the Lost Property to a bare minimum.
Please make sure all clothing and lunch box containers are named so the students can win the challenge!
WSC Mother's Day Raffle

Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Well, after much waiting and frustration it has finally happened – our students and staff got to Frozen the musical last night! There was certainly a buzz on Thursday afternoon as students started to gather to hop on the bus to Brisbane. I am so glad that this opportunity was able to still go ahead after all this time. Many thanks to our Arts staff for their organisation of this trip and spending the evening with our students. I haven’t heard yet whether the bus was full of song on the way home. “Let it go, let it go” – you should be glad you only have to read me singing this, rather than hear my voice!
Elevate Study Skills
Earlier this week we were visited by a guest from Elevate – an organisation available to schools to assist with developing effective student learning and study habits. The college has invested in this for some time now, as we strongly believe that all learners are capable of success with the right strategies and mindset. Students have been given access to all the resources developed by Elevate, and we encourage them to try some new strategies over time to increase the effectiveness of their study routines. One of the most important aspects of Elevate’s involvement in schools, is that they train not only the students, but also staff and parents. This ensures that students receive further coaching and support as they develop self-regulation skills. I trust that parents who attended the evening session will have some useful tips to consider in reinforcing their child’s study at home. Thank you to Ms Wendy Bowen for her leadership in bringing Elevate into our college.
Track and Field Carnival
Next Thursday 5 May we will be holding our Stephen Street Campus Inter-House Track and Field Carnival. Can Kessler take out victory after missing out at the swimming carnival and cross country earlier in the year? We look forward to a very spirited and energetic day as our students compete across the range of track and field events on offer. There has already been quite a lot of action with pre-carnival events and training opportunities. As with the other carnivals, all students are encouraged to participate in the carnival. Even if it is just one event, students can earn valuable points for their House. Not everyone will be the next Usain Bolt or Sally Pearson, but we can celebrate our wonderful House culture by having a go and cheering on our peers. Parents are more than welcome to attend the carnival. Our Student Representative Body will be holding a BBQ on the day and will have a range of goodies for sale. Thanks very much to Mr Darryl Allen and the HPE staff for their work in the lead up to the carnival. Go Altus!
Free resource for parents - can we please talk about boys?
If you haven’t come across the work of psychologist Dr Justin Coulson, I can highly recommend his work and the resources available through his website - . Dr Coulson’s approach is very positive, practical and engaging. One resource he is currently making available for free is his recent webinar – “Can we please talk about boys?” You will see this on the home page when you go to the website above - you just need to register with an email address. Below is a short video introduction from Dr Coulson:
As we work together to further strengthen our pastoral care program, we will look to share more resources like these that may be of benefit to our parents and community.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Elevate Education
On Tuesday, students from Years 7, 9 and 10 participated in a Study Session run by Elevate. The Elevate company are leaders in research-based study skills for students. Throughout the course of a year Elevate will work with each year level of our students to assist them in how to study more effectively. Concorida has planned a sequential delivery of study skills sessions commencing in Year 7 and continuing until Year 12.
On Tuesday evening, Elevate also ran a Parent Session. Thank you to those parents who attended. Elevate have sent through a link to the Parent Info page on their website. You are able to access Parent Resources, Parent Q&A, Student Coaching and a Guidebook for Parents on the site.
I would strongly urge you to visit the Elevate website. As Concordia has a partnership with Elevate, you are able to access free parent webinar sessions which are held throughout the year on a variety of topics. I would encourage you to register for these sessions when they are available.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Visual Arts & Theatre Bursaries for Workshops
The School of Creative Arts at the University of Southern Queensland is offering a series of bursaries for Years 10, 11 and 12 students to attend a visual art or theatre workshop.
The bursaries include the cost of the workshop, materials and accommodation (depending on where you live).
For more information and to access the application form, .
Boarding Update
Hello to all our families
Week 2 is over and another long weekend ahead. Students are looking forward to the three days off. Some are travelling home and others are remaining in boarding.
What a great weekend we had last week. Shopping at Grand Central on Saturday and an afternoon tea drive through at McDonalds with a quick stop off at iPlay with many students and staff enjoying the change of environment. Thank you to Mr Andrew for giving up his time to drive the students there in the bus.
On Sunday there was a beautiful chapel with our boys, Bradley and Jacob, doing the readings. Well done, chaps.
Monday was a very early start for those boys who attended the Dawn Service. A huge thank you to tutors, Nadir and Alexis, for volunteering their time to take the boys. Our boys had a nap when they returned. Our remaining students enjoyed a late sleep in.
Monday afternoon’s activity was Ten Pin Bowling with our tutors and staff. Competition was intense with Bryce and Miss Alexis, both winning one game each. Mr Andrew was a great host with supplying hot chips and drinks to keep the competitors going and the competition alive.
Students are completing assessments and catching up on outstanding work in the Library under the watchful eye of Mr Steve and Miss Alexis, our Senior Study Tutors.
Queensland Health has highly recommended that Boarding Houses encourage students and staff to get the flu vaccination. If you are interested in your child having this year's flu vaccination, please contact Sister Libby in the Health Centre.
The weather temps have dropped drastically and we are encouraging all students to keep warm by wearing extra clothing. Please remind your child to keep warm when you next speak to them. It will get colder as the weeks roll on.
Thank you to all parents who have supported the College in contributing towards the annual Theme Park tickets. We have scheduled 7 May for our first trip to Movie World. Watch this space for our photos.
Hope you all enjoy our pics this week.
Mrs Maureen and Mr Andrew