The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 6
Monday 24 May to Friday 28 May 2021
From the Head of College
Lutheran education in Australia has been in existence since the late 1840s. In the first instance, schools were established as a ‘spin off’ from Lutheran congregations in South Australia, with the first recorded Lutheran school beginning at Light Pass in the Barossa Valley.
Education was one key initiative championed by Martin Luther more than 500 years ago, and importantly, the education of boys and girls was seen by Luther as an imperative in the spreading of the Christian Gospel. What a difference Luther’s vision, through God, has made to the lives of countless millions across the globe.
This week I have had the privilege of attending a meeting of the Lutheran Principals Australia in Brisbane. In Queensland, we meet each term to discuss matters relating to education and to our Lutheran schools and Early Childhood Centres specifically. In other states, our colleagues also come together on a regular basis for the same purpose and with the same focus. It is of interest to note that there are more than 120 Lutheran Education Australia institutions in existence and six coeducational boarding schools in Queensland, South Australia and Northern Territory.
Our students at Concordia are members of a wider Lutheran schooling community that spans this country and indeed every continent across the world. What a privilege it is to know that students attend Lutheran schools in Indonesia, Hong Kong, USA, China, Germany, and the list goes on. On a personal note, I am also privileged to have served in Lutheran schools and to have met and worked with others who also share my passion for Christian education in the Lutheran tradition.
We celebrate the oneness of our mission here at Concordia and across the world every day through Lutheran schools and under the watchful eye of God.
Kind regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
Amended Uniform Shop Hours
Beginning this week (Week 5), the Uniform Shop opening hours for Fridays will be changing. The new hours for FRIDAYS ONLY will be 7.30am to 10.30am. All other days remain the same:
- Monday 8am to 12pm
- Wednesday 1pm to 4pm
- Friday 7.30am to 10.30am
The Uniform Shop is located on Stephen Street Campus. All uniform items are available for purchase with the exception of shoes.
For your convenience it is recommended that an appointment be made for outfitting your student by calling the Uniform Shop on 07 4688 2738. If you are unable to attend during the above hours, please email the Uniform Shop with your order information using this address:
Kokoda Challenge Fundraising
The Kokoda Challenge will be held in the Gold Coast hinterland (Mudgeeraba) on the weekend of 17 and 18 July 2021. Students and support crews are tested both mentally and physically throughout this gruelling trek, but the achievement is well worth it and will never be forgotten.
There is a fundraising component to the challenge which requires that the students raise a minimum of $650 per team to go to the Kokoda Challenge youth program for under privileged youth. If you would like to make a donation to support our students please head to the links below.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Junior College Track & Field Age Champions
Throughout the week we held our annual wrap up and presentations of Age Champion medals for Track and Field achievements for 2021 at each respective campus.
In reflection, it was refreshing and fantastic to see our Junior College Track and Field Carnival back up and running after last year's cancellation due to COVID-19 restrictions. Weather-wise, mother nature tried to put a dampener on things early, but the students were itching to get into their events and races, which set the scene for an action packed, fiercely contested day of competition.
All students must be commended for their enthusiasm and resilience putting their best foot forward on this day. This was evidenced by many records being broken in various events and students recording their own PBs.
While the awards presentations were about celebrating individual achievements, our carnival was an opportunity to have a go and do your best, while having some fun along the way. From our youngest Prep students to our eldest Year 6 student, I am happy to say this was evident on many occasions and I would like to congratulate all the boys and girls on their efforts. Well done!
From this carnival, many of our athletes will be named to represent Concordia Lutheran College in the Central Zone and QCIS (Queensland Combined Independent Schools) teams to compete in respective carnivals. Students will commence training soon for these competitions which will be held in Term 3 with our sports coaches in their chosen events. We wish them every success in their efforts at these carnivals.
Thank you all once again to all for the support on this day to make it a great experience for all concerned. A special mention to our staff who worked tirelessly on the day, along with grounds staff in their preparation of ovals etc. Thank you also to the parents and friends of the College who turned up in mass to show support for their children on the day.
Congratulations to the following students on their achievements for Track and Field for 2021. There were some extremely close results in many age divisions, with some not being able to be separated once all points were collated. Also well done to our students who broke records on the day, a fantastic achievement!
2021 Track and Field Age Champions
Age | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
8 Years | Rylee Bennett | Sarah Loughlin | Josie Dignon |
9 Years | Makenzie Morris | Emily Evans | Maja du Toit |
10 Years | Arabella Knopke | Lilah Talbot | Atoor Jok |
Emma Walkington | |||
11 Years | Chloe Bertram | Anya Vermeulen | Chloe Chettle |
12 Years | Annabelle Millett | Jaymee Burgess | Emma Faulkner |
Age | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
8 Years | Ryan Halton | Jake Stewart | Connor Macleod |
9 Years | William Spoelder | Isaac Seddon | Corben Moodie |
10 Years | Evi Purchase | Charlie Lowis | Isaac Warrener |
11 Years | Lachlan Rashleigh | James Rice | Ben Watson |
Chase Robertson | |||
12 Years | Austin Knopke | William Short | Oliver Foley |
Records broken:
- Corben Moodie - 9 Yrs Boys Discus and Shot Put
- Maja du Toit - 9 Yrs Girls Long Jump
- Evi Purchase - 10 Yrs Boys High Jump
- Emma Walkington - 10 Yrs Girls 100m and 200m
- Arabella Knopke - 10 Yrs Girls 800m
- James Rice - 11 Yrs Boys 100m, 200m and Long Jump
- Chase Robertson - 11 Yrs Boys High Jump
- Austin Knopke - 12 Yrs Boys Long Jump
Final Placings:
1st Place - Kessler
2nd Place - Altus
3rd Place - Stedman
Mr Darry Fry
JC Sports Coordinator
From the Directors of Campus
After being told for many years that Tallebudgera is the best camp ever, we decided to join our Year 4 classes from the Junior College this week to see what all the hype is about. We are happy to report that we were not disappointed.
Our students have spent the last three days enjoying a range of activities that focus on team work, persistence and resilience and have enjoyed spending time with their cross campus friends. Thank you to Mrs Barbara Riehl, Miss Alissa Turner, Mrs Libby Scouller, Mr Darryl Fry and to Mr Frost for supporting the students on camp. Students and teachers are sure to sleep well tonight.
State Parliament Visit
On Wednesday, our Junior College Campus Captains have been invited by Mr žžƵ Janetzki to tour our State Parliament. Students will have the opportunity to see Parliament in session and will learn the history of Queensland politics. Our Captains will also enjoy a special lunch at the conclusion of their tour. We look forward to hearing about their visit on their return.
Australian Early Development Census
In early 2021 our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will begin preparations for the fifth Australian Early Development Census (AEDC).
The AEDC gives us a national picture of the development, health and wellbeing of children in their first year of full-time school. Since 2009, the census results have helped communities, schools and governments plan services and develop better policies to target support for children and families.
Children don’t miss any class time, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information for the census. The AEDC gives us data at a school and community level - it is not an assessment of individual children.
Participation in the AEDC is voluntary. Parents/carers do not need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the census.
To find out more about the census and how communities are using the data to help children and families visit the .
National Simultaneous Storytime
This week our students participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. The story, Give Me Some Space, was read by Shannon Walker, an astronaut on the International Space Station. Thank you to Nicole Brownlie who organised pre-service teachers from USQ to do some space activities with some of our classes. If you would like to hear the story, .
Finally, congratulations to our Age Champions from our recent Track and Field Carnival, who received their medallions at Assembly on Monday.
to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 6.
to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 6.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Juanetta Priest and Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Directors of Campus
Lost Items Looking for their žžƵ
If any of these items are yours, please contact Carolyn Lynch at HSC Reception to collect.
We have a grey pillow, black swim shorts size 9-10 and a blue towel which was left over from the Year 5 Camp.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Disco
Disco and Parent Wine and Cheese Evening
Friday 28 May will be the exciting date for our Neon Disco. Our students always enjoy the disco and this year we are expecting it to be even more exciting.
To ensure that it is a COVID safe event, it will be run by our staff with a special Parent Wine and Cheese Evening being held in the Resource Centre. Parents are asked to register their attendance .
Our Preps this year love to sing and dance so we think that many of them would like to be part of the disco but to assist them they will meet in the Prep room and be able to choose whether to watch a movie or go up to the disco with one of our staff members.

Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Ponytail Fundraiser
Have you heard about the WSC Ponytail fundraiser? Click on the link below for the flyer:
Head over to the and find yourself a wide range of ribbons, bows, hair ties and hairbands in our Concordia colours. Please use the code CONCORDIA LC at the checkout, so Warwick Street Campus will receive a 20 per cent rebate!
Orders placed before Sunday 6 June earn free delivery to school. Alternatively, you can have your orders delivered direct to your doorstep for a small fee.
Has there ever been a more 'bowtiful' way to earn money for our school?
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
During this week, I have been reflecting on a speech given by Laura Knott, 2019 College Captain, as part of her application process for the role of captain. The Latin word adduco refers to the action of leading up, of drawing/bringing to a destined place or bringing into a situation. Adduco even includes the suggestion of coaxing.
In her speech, Laura very eloquently articulated how she perceived adduco to be an integral part of her approach to leadership. As captain, she went on to demonstrate her capacity to create spaces and opportunities that her fellow students and staff could be drawn into.
So why am I spending time thinking and writing about this? For me, this notion of adduco, speaks to the need to be inspirational and aspirational in our approach to education. It speaks to the need for our curricular and cocurricular programs to have a strong “drawing to” and “leading up” aspect to their creation and delivery.
As I listened to our English and HASS faculties professionally share their year-to-date journeys, I was so impressed with the rigour that is being placed around creating units of work that students strongly engage with, as being a measure of the quality of the unit. A very inspiring session!
As parents of teenagers, it is in understanding the drawing to and leading up elements that are at play in their lives, that we continue to share and shape their journey. We coax, we lead up, we seek to bring to a destined place.
As with any process, this takes time. A horse that doesn’t want to be loaded into a float can resist all efforts of force. A simple biscuit of hay, time and patience will often yield a result that pushing in or forcing up will never achieve.
A couple of date claimers for next week:
- Monday 24 May: Year 9 into Year 10 Information Evening- Lecture Theatre from 5.30pm.
- Thursday 27 May: School photos - formal Day uniform must be worn for photos.
Mr Jason Smith
Director of Campus
2022 Year 10 Information Evening
This Monday 24 May commencing at 5.30pm, Concordia is presenting an evening for current Year 9 parents and students. Information about students moving onto Senior College, the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA), the Australian Tertiary Achievement Rank (ATAR), Vocational opportunities and Learning Pathways available will be presented.
Please join us as we show you the opportunities and the changes that occur as your child moves from a Middle College student to a Senior College student at Concordia. We look forward to meeting you.

SSC Photo Day - Thursday 27 May
SSC Photo Day is on Thursday 27 May. All students need to wear Formal Winter Uniform. Envelopes from MSP photography were distributed a few weeks ago. If your child did not receive an envelope, please ask them to speak with their žžƵ Class teacher or contact Student Reception on 4688 2789.
Parents are able to on or before photo day using their personalised Shoot Key (which is on the envelope). Parents can also order with cash on Photo Day. Please, do not send money in prior to photo day.
All orders received after photo day are subject to a $20 search fee.
If families would like family photos (sibling photos), please collect a Sibling Photo Envelope from Student Services. These sibling photos will be taken at 8am.
Please contact Student Services on 4688 2789 if you have any concerns.
Middle College Assessment Handbook
During Terms 1 and 2, the College has been developing an assessment handbook for Middle College students and parents. This handbook has now been completed and is being released to you today and will be available for use by all students and parents of a Middle College student, Year 7 to Year 9.
Please read this document and refer to this document when you have any concerns involving assessment for your child in the Middle College. This document outlines and provides assistance to students and parents when issues or concerns appear for students in the Middle College years. This handbook outlines the processes and the correct person to contact when, and if, an issue arises around assessment for students in the Middle College.
The handbook is available in Parent Lounge and Student Cafe - School Links > Learning and Innovation.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Visual Art Success - USQ Future Visions Exhibition
Year 12 Visual Art student, Stuart Larsen won second place in the annual USQ Future Visions Exhibition, a prize for students currently studying Visual Art in Years 11 and 12. Stuart's artwork is currently on display in the Gallery in the Arts Block at the University. USQ Arts Lecturer Dr Rhi Johnson presented Stuart with his award, stating they were “impressed with the accuracy of his geometric painting.”
Congratulations also go to Gracie Paynter, Jasmine Hollonds and Chelsea Loader who also have work in the exhibition.
Students visited the exhibition during Week 5 and were impressed with the standard of work across the Downs.
Work Experience
I had a wonderful week visiting the Year 10 students at Work Experience last week. The students have engaged in a wide variety of tasks with an outstanding attitude. It was pleasing to hear the overwhelming amount of positive feedback from the work experience supervisors complimenting the students on their work ethic, communication skills, manners and willingness to take risks in the work environment. Several students have been offered a range of opportunities from their placement, including potential traineeships and apprenticeships.
Thank you to Mrs Jo-Ann Tessmer for coordinating the Year 10 Work Experience Program and to all the supervisors who have taken the time this week to mentor the Year 10 students.
Mrs Leah Bowes
Senior College Careers Advisor
Boarding News
On Saturday we had a great BBQ with Texas BBQ ribs and chicken followed by a fire pit at the back of AFL House. Most of the students braved the cold and enjoyed toasted marshmallows. Thank you to those off duty staff who came and mixed it up with the students. It was great to see everyone so relaxed yet very cold.
Selina Richards has yet again met goals by being named as a Queensland representative at the National Weightlifting competition in Tasmania in July. Well done, Selina. We wish you all the best.
School work aside, our students have been very busy with inter-school sports and afternoon sporting codes. Transporting students has been a task, however, we thank the students for their patience when they have had to wait a little longer than normal. It has been an exceptionally busy week.
The Year 11 Boat Cruise in Brisbane was a great success. I must add Chrissy looked stunning, Zeb and Bradley shaped up pretty good too in their jackets and trousers.
As the weather gets colder and the flu season is upon us, we would ask that if your child speaks to you about not feeling well please encourage them to speak to one of the staff on duty in dorm or Sister Libby. I can be contacted on 0490 890 917 and Mr Ross on 0458 827 551. Ross and I are also available if you have any concerns or if you would simply like to catch up on what’s happening in boarding on the weekend.
I would like to welcome aboard another Tutor who has joined our supportive boarding team. Amorei is an old scholar from Concordia and is currently studying nursing here in Toowoomba. Her specialties are the Sciences and English. Amorei has quickly started to build great relationships with students. We look forward to working with Amorei.
Boarding students are celebrating National Boarding Week with outings around Toowoomba this weekend. They have enjoyed the pleasures and flavours of home with some home baking that was dropped into the dorms this week.
Enjoy our pics for this week.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Ross McKeown