
The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 7

Monday 29 May 2023 to Friday 2 June 2023

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The past weekend saw the College present the 2023 College Musical We Will Rock You. This production which has been 6 months in the making included auditions, hours and hours of rehearsals that included early mornings, late evenings, weekends as well as school holidays and then finally show time! Our Musical students are amazing and so talented which was evident across all four performances. Over 100 students, from across the Junior and Senior College, stepped out to Embrace the Possibilities which signing up to the musical would and has brought for them. 

From the College Pastor

From the College Pastor

Semester 1 2023 - done and dusted!!

Hasn’t this term flown by? So many special events, concerts, sporting events, the musical – Concordia certainly has been busy. Add to that all the usual teaching and learning and, more recently, lots of assessment activities and it’s no wonder that we are getting a little tired. And just in time God provides us with that special opportunity to rest and be refreshed called “school holidays”!

Community News

From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Learning how to make new friends and keep them involves a number of skills every young person needs to understand and develop. For some these skills will come very naturally, allowing them to easily move between different friendship groups, sharing their experiences and opening up to new people. For others, this can be much harder to navigate. Belonging to a group that is like-minded with similar interests is highly beneficial to a young person’s wellbeing. It gives them a sense of security helping them feel valued which in turn builds their confidence.

From the Director of Marketing and Enrolments

May at Concordia Lutheran College is an exciting month, with the recent success of the “We Will Rock You” musical, Boarders Experience Weekend taking place, and the holidays just around the corner.

The musical was a huge hit and has generated a lot of buzz around the community about the talents of our students. I was especially lucky to be able to watch the production as a parent.

Sport News

Week 4:

QCIS Cross Country
Aggregate – Winners
Overall – 2nd
Age groups won – U10 girls, U11 boys and U13 girls.

WINNERS of the Opens and Years 7-9 Street-smart Cricket Gala Days:

Seniors’ results:

  • Concordia 200runs defeated St Mary's 153 
  • Concordia 209 runs defeated Harristown 121
  • Concordia 170 runs defeated Centenary Heights 90

Juniors’ results:

  • Concordia 90 runs defeated St Mary’s College 87 runs 
  • Concordia 115 runs defeated Dalby 40 runs 

Both Teams have now qualified for the finals on the 31st May

On Saturday 3 June and Sunday 4 June the 2023 Comet Ridge Queensland Country Championships will be held at the CLC Gym Volleyball courts.

Weekly schools’ competition – Toowoomba Volleyball Association 

Junior girls – lost 3-0 against Fairholme
Intermediate girls – Won 3-0 against TAS
Senior girls – won 2-1 against Fairholme
Intermediate boys – lost by 1 against Highlands

AFL Junior Secondary Female AFL Schools Cup – Combined teams with Mt Lofty SHS

  • Seniors finished 4th 
  • Juniors were WINNERS!

Week 5:

AFL Junior Secondary Male AFL Schools Cup – Combined teams with Harristown SHS

  • Seniors finished 3rd
  • Juniors finished 3rd

Weekly schools’ competition – Toowoomba Volleyball Association 
Junior girls – bye 
Intermediate girls – forfeit
Senior girls – lost 3-0 against Titans
Intermediate boys – won against SMC


QCIS Netball Carnival

  • Juniors finished 5th overall

Toowoomba Eisteddfod Results Part 1

Congratulations to all the Concordia students who participated in the Part 1 of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod. We had several entries from both Junior Campuses and the Senior Campus with our youngest performer being in Grade 1. Our students place across all the disciplines offered: Dance Solos, Duos/Trios, Choral, Vocal, Piano, Speech and Drama Groups.

Junior Engineers - School Holiday Coding and Robotics Camps

HSC Parent Connect - Bingo in July - We need your help

The HSC Parent Connect is holding a Christmas in July Bingo Night on Saturday 22 July at 6.30pm.

We are organising a multi-draw raffle for our bingo night. If you would like to donate a prize for the raffle, can you please contact Lynelle Corkill on lynelle0507@hotmail.com or Nicole Klein on nsk493@hotmail.com

HSC Parent Connect - Thermomix Raffle

Dan Warlow Information

Sharks Touch Club - Winter Competition

Winter Blues Concert - All Welcome

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors

This coming week, we are privileged to celebrate National Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week serves as a reminder of the shared responsibility we all bear in creating a more inclusive and reconciled Australia. It is a time to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and work towards a future where unity, respect, and understanding prevail. By embracing the theme of "More Than a Word, Reconciliation Takes Action," we can collectively contribute to a just and reconciled nation that Honors the cultures, histories, and rights of all Australians.

JC Expression of Interest - SWQ Primary All Schools Touch Carnival and SW Swans Cup Competition

We are seeking expressions of interest for 10-12 year old students to participate in the Concordia Touch teams to play at the South West Swan's Cup and South West Queensland (SWQ) Primary All Schools Touch Carnival for 2023.

This is a fantastic opportunity for the boys and Girls to develop and improve their touch skills. Concordia entered both a Boys and Girls side in this inaugural competition last year, and their improvement each week was amazing. There is a possibility this year that Mixed teams may be entered also depending on interest received.

The teams will have the opportunity to trial also for the Concordia Mixed Touch Team which will compete in a very competitive carnival, held in Term 3. The details of this carnival is still to be confirmed.

The students are expected to be able to commit to training and carnival dates.

For more information please see the attached Parent Information letter.

If your child is interested in participating in these teams, please fill in the below form by Monday 29 May.

NO JC Band & Percussion Rehearsal

Please note there is no JC Band and Percussion Rehearsal in week 7 due to year 5 Camp. JC Band and Percussion will be back on in week 8.

JC Reading Challenge 2023

JC Parent/Teacher Interviews - Open today Friday 26 May

Parent/Teacher Interviews will be open for bookings today and will close on Friday 9 June at 8am!

We will be holding our Parent/Teacher Interviews during Week 9. There will be interviews conducted before and after school from Monday 12 June until Friday 16 June. All bookings will be made through .

If you are unsure as to how to book your Parent/Teacher Interview, .

for instructions on how to access your Parent Lounge account.

JC Library News - Book Fair

What an absolutely amazing week it has been for our Junior Campus Scholastic Book Fairs. Thank you so much to all the families that have supported this wonderful annual event. It has been overwhelming seeing so many parents shopping with their children and encouraging their love of reading. The children have been so excited to bring their parents into the Fairs and show them all of the great variety of books and novelties available for purchasing. As you would be aware the Scholastic Book Fair is a great fundraiser for our Junior Campus Libraries. Over the four days of the event over $7000 has been spent which has generated a credit for approximately $2000 which will be spent on many new books for both of our libraries. This is an incredible result and we are so very grateful for your support of this fundraiser.

Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.

HSC Year 3 Mini Golf Experience

This semester the HSC Year 3 students have been working on a Project Based Learning (PBL) unit of work including the learning areas of English, HASS (Geography) and Design Technologies. Students have been learning about the Australian States and Territories with the driving question of ‘What Makes Australia Great?’ 

HSC Disco Meal Deal - $6.00

We are holding a Pizza and Drink Meal Deal for the Disco. Please see details below. All orders will be submitted through My Student Account and close on Wednesday 7 June at 3pm. This will be delivered to the school at 5.30pm prior to the Disco starting.

Pizza and Drink - $6.00 with a Gluten Free option available
Pizza - please choose and note down from the list
 - Cheese
 - Vegetarian
 - Ham and Pineapple 
 - BBQ Ham and Bacon

Drink - please choose and note down from the list
 - Water
 - Popper - Apple, Orange or Tropical
 - Milk - Strawberry or Chocolate

HSC School Disco - 9 June

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at  by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.

Wanted - Working Bike Helmets

We are looking for any old but working bike helmets for our students to use while riding the bikes during break. If you have any and would like to donate them please drop them into Reception.

HSC Year 5 Colonial School - Thursday 8 June

Below please find some information about the upcoming Colonial School. There is much interest and excitement among the Year 5 students and many questions remain to be answered: “Wait and See” is my response to several queries. 

If you have any concerns please let me know, but this is a fun educational experience which is very worthwhile. 

HSC Year 5 Colonial School – Thursday 8 June

A visit by the "Colonial School' will provide the students with the three Rs. The activities will include a selection of the following lessons.

• An introduction to the dreaded Edwardian Classroom punishments.
• A cleanliness inspection to see if students have washed behind their ears and cleaned their fingernails.
• An arithmetic lesson using those fine old pounds, shillings and pence which will never be replaced.
• A Victorian textbook spelling test designed to embarrass the classroom best spellers.
• A writing lesson using the latest copperplate writing style.
• A reading lesson from the latest texts that have arrived in the colony from reputable British publishers.

Excursion Uniform - Students are encouraged to dress in clothing appropriate to the 1918 era on this day.

Edwardian boys should wear long trousers or jeans with long socks. The long socks should be worn over the trousers. Alternatively, knee length shorts could be worn. A shirt with or without collar and boots or closed shoes are necessary to complete the picture. Braces could also be worn.

Young Edwardian ladies can wear a long dress or a skirt and blouse. Young ladies should remember not to expose their ankles.

Of course, everyone's shoes should be polished (the teacher will probably check these). Fingernails should be short and no dirt under the nails. In Edwardian time, coming to school dirty could mean that the student in question would receive four strokes from the teacher's strap or cane.

Food during the excursion - As we would like this to be a whole day experience in times of school life in Edwardian times you may consider sending recess and lunch in keeping with the era. Bread and cheese or bread and jam (no butter) wrapped in brown paper or a damp tea towel and tied with string would be appropriate. No poppers but water could be sent. An apple a day keeps the doctor away should be remembered!

The day promises to be a great learning experience for the children.

HSC PJ, Scarf and Beanie Day - Thursday 1 June

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please  to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.

WSC Year 4 Cycle Safety

Each year, the Year 4 students attend a Cycle Safety Program with the PCYC at Groom Park. Please find below the details of the program.

Time and Dates:
Tuesday 30 May and Tuesday 6 June - 9.30am to 2pm

Students are required to:
• wear their sports uniform and College hat;
• bring a packed lunch, water bottle and sunscreen;
• if you have a bike helmet you are welcome to bring it along. Bikes will be provided by PCYC.

If you haven't already done so, please log in to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child to attend.

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at  by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 8.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Sometimes it is very hard to capture in words how proud I am to be Director of Campus in a college where students and staff continue to push beyond all expectations and produce such remarkable outcomes. Concordia may only be relatively small in size, but we certainly punch above our weight in terms of abundance of talent and dedication. Our students continue to demonstrate their ability to excel and compete with larger schools, proving that size is no barrier to success.

SSC Weekly Events

Please  to view SSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.

2023 Secondary Individual Chess Tournament - 9 and 10 June


Boarding News

Hi to all our families.

I would like to start this weekly update with a huge congratulations to those who performed in the Musical especially to George our Boarder Captain and Henry from Boys Boarding. Students sat on the edge of their seats and were blown away when George began to sing let alone when she rocked it with her Electric Guitar. George has inspired many boarding students to dream big and work hard.

Welcome from the Leadership Team