The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 7
Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor

Concordia College regularly supports the work of Australian Lutheran World Service, who support poor communities and those impacted by emergencies in many countries, working with partners from across the world, including Lutheran World Service.
During the last couple of years we have supported a WalkMyWay event with donations going to provide for schooling in refugee camps and poor areas. This year ALWS is asking for support for children affected by the war in Ukraine, where may people had to flee their homes, and where many schools have been destroyed. Our support will be joined with support given by over 800 people who walked in Brisbane earlier this month and many others to make a difference for these children.
Our Concordia event will be on Friday June 14 (last day of school) after lunch and will include walks by all students on all three campuses.
Students are encouraged to commit to certain number of circuits around the ovals or the cross-country course, reflecting the fact that many children had to flee their homes and elicit donations to support their walk. We will not be collecting money at the school but ask that you make donations directly through the website, which will also provide you with a receipt.
There is a competition between houses again. Please support your child by making donations directly through the links below (each house has a separate link, which can also be accessed through the main website).
Thank you for your support of your children and the children of Ukraine.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Pastor Thomas.
CLW and Kid’s Camps:
Coming up in the winter holidays LYQ are again offering a variety of amazing camps:
CLW at Coolum and at Koojarewon for Yr 7-12 students.
Winter kids camps – Yr 3-6 students at Coolum and Koojarewon.
Please register ASAP at:
Please note that the Koojarewon camp is urgently seeking further registrations in order to be able to go ahead.
If cost is a roadblock, please email Pastor Thomas or Mrs Heuschele. Some subsidies are available.
Engage Lutheran regional Youth group (Yr 6-12):
Next event at St Paul’s Hall on Fri June 7, 6-8pm
Fly a Drone!
Dinner provided.
Please register with Ashley 0492 932 075.
Student Spiritual Life and Wellbeing Survey
Over week 7/8 we will run a student spiritual life and wellbeing survey through žžÊÓƵ Groups at SSC to help us get some feedback an d data about the impact of our work at the College. This survey is designed and facilitated by the reputable NCLS team and parents, students and teachers facilitating this have been emailed with relevant information. Please peruse that information and feel free to contact Pastor Thomas or Mr Manteufel if you have any questions. Thank you.
Community News
Choral Eisteddfod News
All of the vocal groups at the College performed in the recent choral eisteddfod held at the Empire Theatre. The feedback received was encouraging and recognised the hard work of everyone who prepared these performances. Comments like ‘engaged from the beginning’, ‘great rhythmic drive and energy’ and ‘I am seeing great potential in this Choir’s work across all sections’ from the adjudicator žžÊÓƵ Webster really show that our choral program is hitting the right notes.
Congratulations to the Junior Choir (Years 3-4) who placed 1st and the Senior Choir (Year 5-6) who placed 3rd in their sections conducted by Ms Hayley Sugars.
Congratulations to SSC Choir (Years 7-12) and Con Voce who received a highly commended in the Secondary Folk Singing section conducted by Mr Roche Kelly. Con Voce’s heartfelt rendition of ‘The Fiddle and the Drum’ and energetic performance of ‘Every Night When The Sun Goes In’ was a fantastic way to commence our eisteddfod performances.
Congratulations to Grade 7 student Lenny Saggers, who added in extra groove with his percussion accompaniment.
Special thanks to our amazing piano accompanists Mrs Elizabeth Gordon and Mrs Kym Troy along with the college community who attended to show support, cheer and supervise our budding choralists.
We would also like to congratulate Mrs Elizabeth Gordon who was awarded the Peg Russell Trophy for Accompaniment in recognition of her significant contribution through her accompaniment.
Celebrating the individuals – Toowoomba Eisteddfod: Piano and Vocal
Congratulations to all the Concordia students who participated in the Choral and Vocal sections of the Toowoomba Eisteddfod. We had several entries from all campuses with our students placing across many disciplines. There is so much talent at the College and we are super proud of their courage to share their talents in a competitive and public environment.
Congratulations to the following students who performed on piano:
Sean Choi (1st), Joon Choi (1st), Olivia Han (1st + HC), Erin Otto (2nd), Kelvin Huang (2nd + 3rd), Michael Zhou (2nd + HC), Brendon Lai (3rd), Chloe Bertrum (3rd), Jacob Johnson (Highly Commended), Ruby Royal (Highly Commended), Sarah Loughlin and Xander Millet.
Congratulations to the following students who performed in the Vocal sections.
Luca Blyth: 2nd Year 10 Male Vocal Solo + 1st Year 10 Music Theatre Performance Solo
Nate Sexton: Highly Commended in Year 9 Male Vocal Solo
CLW and Kids Winter Camps
All welcome!
CLW Darling Downs (5 days):
24-28 June 2024
Grades 7 – 12
Koojarewon Youth Camp
Mini Kids Camp (3 days):
3 – 5 July 2024
Grades 3 – 6
Koojarewon Youth Camp
Other CLKWs:
Junior Engineers - Holiday Program
Dear Junior Engineers
Please find attached digital flyer for Term 2 school holiday programs.
Returning Books
Just a reminder to check the books you are returning to the city library for any Concordia books. Now is also a great time to start returning any books from the beginning of the term that you still may have.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Parent/Teacher Interviews - Open Today Friday 24 May
Parent/Teacher Interviews will be open for bookings on Friday 24 May at 3pm and close on Friday 7 June at 8am!
We will be holding our Parent/Teacher Interviews during Week 9. There will be interviews conducted before and after school from Monday 10 June until Friday 14 June. All bookings will be made through .
If you are unsure as to how to book your Parent/Teacher Interview, .
for instructions on how to access your Parent Lounge account.
Wear it Yellow!! Tuesday 28 May

JC Year 6 New Acland Mine Excursion - Thursday 30 May
This term, Year 6 students are learning about Energy in Science and Our Asian Neighbours in HASS.
We are very excited to be going on a tour of New Acland Coal (NAC) Mine on Thursday 30 May. New Acland Mine is owned by New Hope Group and is a majority Australian owned and operated diversified energy company which has been proudly operating for more than 60 years. Acland Coal Company first mined coal underground in Acland in 1913 and closed its operations in 1984. New Acland took over the mining leases in 2000 and commenced open cut mining operations on the current site in 2002.
Students and teachers will enjoy a presentation about the history and current mining operations by NAC staff. NAC staff will address our Science and HASS curriculum and answer student questions which will be written at school prior to the tour. A tour of New Acland mining areas will follow.
If you haven't already done so, please jump into Parent Lounge and provide your permission for this exciting excursion.
JC Year 5 Camp Parent Information
On Wednesday 29 May, Year 5 students will attend the Emu Gully Adventure Park. For information on the camp and the packing list please see below.
Important Note: Please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up to date regarding your child's Emergency Contact Information, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
JC Sing Out - JC Years 5 & 6
Just a reminder that all Junior College Year 5 and 6 students will be participating in the Sing Out choral festival at the Empire Theatre on Wednesday 5 June. Please accept this event in Parent Lounge if you have not done so yet.
Audience tickets for the evening concert are now on sale and can be accessed via the following link
Adults $20.00, Children under 15 years $12.00. Concordia Lutheran College Year 5 and 6 students are free and will sit with the College throughout the concert.
If you have any further questions, please email
JC Year 3-6 Ball Games - Friday 7 June
The Junior College Years 3-6 Ball Games will be held on Friday 7 June at each Campus from 1.30pm-3pm.
JC Recognition of Achievement Assembly - Monday 10 June
At Concordia we recognise the importance of acknowledging and celebrating the outstanding effort and achievement of our students.
At the end of the Semester 1, we will celebrate our students at a special Recognition of Achievement Assembly which will be held at each campus on Monday 10 June. Hume Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 8.30am and Warwick Street Campus will hold their Assembly at 2pm. Parents are welcome to come along and help celebrate our students.
JC PJ and Milo Day

Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 2 2024, Week 7.
HSC Cans 4 Cash Collection - Yr 3 & 4 Sustainability Project

Last year the Hume Street Campus community brought in over 10,0000 cans, bottles and poppers to be recycled to Containers for Change as part of the Year 3 and 4 Environmental Sustainability PBL unit. As a community, we raised over $1000 and was able to fund new soccer goals that students are able to enjoy each day.
This project was so successful last year so Student Council and the Environmental Captains would like to set a new sustainability goal for us all as a community. We would like to collect another 10,000 cans, bottles and poppers for 2024. This works out to $1000! With this money raised, we plan to buy $1000 worth of lunchtime activities to benefit every student in the school.
This money may go towards extra ezyrollers, more balls, STEM and library activities and different equipment for the playground. There is a big bin located outside the Year 3 classroom, home reader room and the kindy. Both eating areas will also have a bin especially for poppers. We encourage you to please recycle and bring in any spare cans, bottles and poppers to support this worthy cause.
There is a scheme number on the poster if parents would like to take this in directly to Containers for Change. Please see Mrs McManus if you have any questions about this. Thank you.
HSC Lost Property Items
We've had some items handed in to Reception over the last few weeks that we suspect belong to our wider community members, rather than our students. If you have lost something, please pop into Reception and see if we have your lost treasure.
HSC Before and After School
Before School
Supervision of students at the Junior College begins at 8.00am each morning. There is no supervision provided by staff before this time.
HSC students who are arriving on the 7.50am CLC bus or who have siblings on the 7.50am CLC bus, are welcome to sit quietly on the green benches outside the Year 6 Classroom.
Students being dropped off in the mornings must remain with their parents until a staff member arrives for duty at 8.00am. Parents and students are welcome to enter our playground gates once that staff member has arrived.
We appreciate your support of the above information so we can work together to keep our students safe.
Coffee Van
Students are able to buy hot chocolate only on a Friday morning. If they have not finished their hot chocolate by 8.25am, they will leave it for 1st break.
After School
You are more than welcome to play on the top equipment in the Junior Playground if parents are adequately supervising your children. The children are welcome to play in the sandpit but without the sandpit equipment. This will ensure that it stays put away for the night.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.
WSC Before School Procedure
Students are not supervised at school before 8.00am so are not allowed to be on grounds without adult supervision before this time. We have noticed that many students are being dropped off in the morning well before 8.00am and this is a safety concern for us, as in some cases the students are being dropped off before staff have arrived.
Please also note that the Shed is not to be used as a Drive Through area in the mornings before school as this area is not supervised by staff. All students coming through Drive Through in the mornings must use the Yaldwyn Street Drive Through. A staff member will be on duty from 8.00am.
Thank you for your support in this matter as we work together to ensure the safety of all students.
Stephen Street Campus
Archaeological Field School Opportunity
Calling all Senior History students!
There is an opportunity for senior students to engage in a private, hands-on archaeological field school, run by the University of Southern QLD. The field school consists of 3 weeks of classroom content, delivered online, followed by one week of hands-on, in-person archaeological excavation at the Eagles’ Nest Depression-Era Camp, in Redwood Park on the Great Dividing Range (Toowoomba).
The field school is particularly suited to students of Ancient History or other humanities areas. If you are interested there is more information at the link below.
Sport News
Sports News – Term 2, Week 6
Volleyball - Round 5
Junior Girls: Won 2-1
Intermediate Girls (Year 9): Loss 2-1
Intermediate Girls (Year 10): Won 2-0
Senior Girls: Loss 2-1
Senior Boys: Loss 3-0
Netball – Round 2
Concordia Junior: Loss against Glennie 45-4
Concordia Senior: Loss against St Ursula's 23-18
Basketball U15 Boys - Round 4
Loss against Running Rebels 31-30
SSC Track & Field Carnival
A reminder our Track & Field carnival is fast approaching (Wednesday Week 7 – 29/05). In the lead up to the carnival we will host the following pre carnival events.
- 1500m – Wednesday Week 6 during SPARC
- 3000m – Monday Week 7 Lunchtime
Please note this year there will be no pre-nomination for events. Students will be able to nominate on the day, at the event using their competitor number, which will be given to them on the morning of the carnival.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Senior College Track & Field Carnival, please complete the attached
If you have any questions about volunteering please contact Mr. Joshua Biscoe -
Track & Field Training
Start: Week 8 Term 2
End: Week 3 Term 3
Meeting Location: SSC Track Oval
Monday Afternoons (3:15pm-4:15pm): Mrs Manteufel – Throws
Wednesday Mornings (7am-8am): Mr Prinsloo – Middle/Long distance running
Friday Mornings (7am-8am): Mr Biscoe – Sprints/Jumps & Plyometrics
Special Mentions
QCIS Netball
Well done to our QCIS netball teams who competed last Friday at UniSQ. The girls had a terrific afternoon, despite some tough competition. In true Concordia spirit, the girls' effort and attitude could not be faulted, and they should be very proud of how they competed. Thanks go to Mrs Lansdown and Coach Emily for their guidance and mentorship.
Darling Downs Intermediate Schools Cup Volleyball
Congratulations to the Intermediate year 9 and 10 Girls volleyball teams, who played terrifically in the Darling Downs School Cup on Tuesday. The year 10 girls finished 7th and year 9 girls 11th, from 19 teams. The year 10 girl’s unfortunate not to place higher, only going down twice, both times narrowly, including a 29:27 loss. Nonetheless, both teams had a fantastic day, and learnt lots from the experience.
Leroy Malone – Selected in 14-15yrs Queensland Rugby League Team
A massive congratulations to Leroy Malone who was selected in the Queensland Schoolboys Rugby League team over the weekend, after a successful State Championships on the Gold Coast, as part of the Darling Downs team. Leroy had a fantastic tournament, also picking up man of the match honours in the fixture against Met West.
A very impressive achievement, considering how highly contested Rugby League is in QLD and the high calibre of players at the tournament. Leroy will travel to Port Macquarie to compete at the National titles over the holidays to face off against the other state teams. We wish him the best of luck.
Upcoming Sport Opportunities
The Karen Murphy Cup – Girls Rugby League 9s, is coming up on Friday of week 8. If there are any girls interested in participating in this event, please complete the form in the daily notices.
SWQ Touch Football competitions will be happening in Term 3, including the All-Schools competition on Sunday, August 4th and the Swans Schools Cup (6-week competition). Any students interested in participating in these competitions, please complete the form in the daily notices.
There are numerous Darling Downs trials happening across a variety of sports. If you would like to trial for one of these or need more information, please keep an eye on the notices or send Mr Biscoe an email
Boarding News
Hello to all our Boarding families.
We are approaching week 7 and many students are starting to feel restless and tired. With the drop in temperature, staff are encouraging everyone to dress warmly. As the days and nights in Term 3 will be colder, we recommend that you send your children back with warm clothes, winter pyjamas, jackets, long pants, stockings, and some lip balm to protect against the cold wind.
Our school sports have been very active this term, with both girls and boys excelling in representing the college. Congratulations to all for displaying a high level of sportsmanship.
Johanna, Chelsea, and Bella attended the eisteddfod at the Empire Theatre and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thank you to Chelsea’s mum for the photo.
This week, we have the Boarder Experience Weekend planned. We are looking forward to showcasing our boarding program to interested families. We have a great weekend planned with movies, a tour of Toowoomba, a visit to the shopping centre, and most importantly, a chance to experience what boarding is like.
Many students are feeling the pressure with drafts and final assignments due. Our tutors are available to support all students in need of assistance to reduce the pressure. Please encourage your child to reach out to us.
This week, we have photos of Mother’s Day, ten-pin bowling, laser tag, National Boarders Week selfies, and the Boarders Dinner. We hope you enjoy our gallery this week.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents