The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 7
Monday 30 May to Friday 3 June 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
The settled weather [finally!] has allowed the Junior College to enjoy a wonderful day of athletics today. Well done to all the students on their participation, encouragement of one another, determination and embracing the opportunities made available to them.
Thank you to the many parents, family members and other supporters who were part of making the day such an enjoyable experience. Thanks to the staff for their wonderful support and guidance of the students today. Thank you to our Junior College Sports Coordinator, Mr Darryl Fry, for all the work done behind the scenes in preparing the students for and hosting an excellent Track and Field Carnival.
Thank you for the positive feedback which I have received about the information being shared in The Week Ahead around pastoral care and parenting tips. This week I would like to continue with the theme of media with a focus on multitasking while learning.
Do your children multitask while doing homework, assignments or preparing for exams? Research tells us that students are on task only about 65% of the time when they have access to technology. Many of them cannot last even a few minutes without engaging their devices.
The bad news about this is that under most conditions, the brain simply cannot do two complex tasks at the same time. When two tasks are very simple and don’t compete for the same mental resources, for example folding laundry and listening to a radio weather report, most people can multitask efficiently. But with academic work, this is not the case.
So, what happens when students multitask?
- Assignments take longer to complete because of the time taken up with distractions and the time it takes to refocus after an interruption.
- There’s more mental fatigue from repeatedly dropping and picking up mental threads, which leads to more mistakes.
- Learning becomes patchier and shallower.
- Students remember less well or not at all.
- Students have greater difficulty understanding information and transferring learning to new contexts. [Acknowledgement: Annie Murphy]
Multitasking isn’t a problem when our students want to tweet while watching television or listen to music while gaming. Texting, emailing and posting on social media are mentally complex, drawing on the same brain resources as school work. Much of young people’s technology use is often really about quelling anxiety – FOMO or the Fear Of Missing Out. They don’t want to be the last person to hear some news or ‘Like’ someone’s post. Constant texting, however, qualifies as compulsive behaviour that must be managed if our children are to learn and perform at their best.
What can we do as parents? Accept young people’s use of technology but draw a firm line on using it while doing school work, emphasising that this is a time when they need to be concentrating on just one thing.
Next week, we will look at the importance of a good night’s sleep.
I would like to use this opportunity to welcome Mr Garth Calder to our community as he takes up the role of College Counsellor on Monday.
I trust that everyone will have a great weekend enjoying the sunshine and the outdoors.
Yours in Christ.
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; and sometimes they forgive them. [Oscar Wilde]
From the College Pastor
Ascension Day
This Thursday was Ascension Day – I nearly missed it, as it was also Sorry Day and a lot of other things are currently going on during this busy part of the term.
The Ascension of Jesus, 40 days after Easter, is one of those mysterious events that escapes full explanation. I remember Harry Wendt, Lutheran pastor and author of the Crossways bible study materials (), describing the ascension as Jesus transforming his presence from a human limited one to a divine unlimited one. I like that image, as only the divine Christ is able to be with me and everyone else as he promised at the end of his time with his disciples (Matt 28:20).
He also promised not to leave his followers without guidance, pledging to send the Holy Spirit as counsellor, comforter and guide. On Pentecost (10 days later) that promise was fulfilled. But until then his followers were instructed to wait.
But wait with hope and purpose, not staring into the sky but looking out towards the world, applying Jesus’ love in their relationships and lives. Here is the story as recorded by Luke:
Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 2:6-11)
These early followers of Jesus went back to Jerusalem and when the Holy Spirit came they “came out”, proclaiming Jesus as Christ and taking the Good News into the world and forming new communities of love everywhere they went.
From them, eventually, we received that Good News, and are encouraged to not stand paralysed by the challenges of life in this imperfect, sin-stained world, staring aimlessly into the sky, but instead, with a clear focus on Jesus, applying our gifts to the service of others, making God’s love visible in this world, and so making a positive difference.
May you be encouraged in the knowledge that our risen Lord is going with us wherever we go and that his Spirit is guiding us on the way to bring his love into the world.
Pastor Thomas Böhmert
College Pastor
Community News
Concordia Lutheran College Future Foundation
With the end of the 2021/22 financial year almost upon us, it is timely to share the various tax deductible options for families who wish to support the Concordia Lutheran College Future Foundation.
The Future Foundation was established to support the education of young people through the provision scholarships and also maintaining and improving its facilities through the Building Fund to create a dynamic and engaging environment for our students.
All donations to the Future Foundation are tax-deductible. The following opportunities exist to donate:
SSC Lecture Theatre Upgrade
There are just four seats remaining before the Lecture Theatre upgrade has been sold out. The upgrade is in its final phase as we eagerly await the arrival of the chairs for the facility.
If you wish to secure one of the final chairs in the Lecture Theatre, please contact Concordia's Director of Marketing and Enrolments, Mrs Bianca Coleborn, by emailing
Scholarships Fund or Building Fund
Families are invited to consider donating to the Scholarships Fund or Building Fund under the Future Foundation. Your gift to the Scholarship Fund will create new learning opportunities for students who, without financial support, would not be able to access a Concordia Lutheran College education. Donations to the Building Fund will enable the College to create learning environments conducive to a 2lst Century education.
You can make a one-off donation or commit to making regular donations to the Scholarships Fund or Building Fund.
Please click on the below link to access the giving page or contact the Business Office on 4688 2700 (press 1 for Stephen Street Campus) to set up a payment by telephone for the Scholarship Fund or Building Fund.
Thank you for your consideration of the above options. If you would like to discuss making an alternative donation to the Future Foundation, please contact Concordia's Business Manager, Mr Lindsay Bovill, by emailing
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
NAIDOC and Sports Shirts
We are very excited to be launching a very special NAIDOC shirt for Concordia that features an indigenous artwork design created by our Year 12 Boarding Captain Chrissy Watson. Students, parents, caregivers and staff are welcome to purchase one.
Concordia now also has some sport training apparel for students, staff and parents to order. These items include a Concordia Sport hoodie, training shirt and backpack. These three items can be bought as a set or individually. They are to be used for students at training and to wear to competitions. They do not form part of the normal sports uniform.
All items are to be pre-ordered and then will be delivered to the College at the beginning of next term. The online store will close on Friday 3 June.
Here is the link to order:
If you have any questions, please contact our Sports Coordinator Mr Darryl Allen at
2022 Kokoda Challenge
Concordia has been participating in the Kokoda Challenge since 2010. This year we have two teams participating in which have already started training.
The Kokoda Challenge is an endurance race which aims to develop the Kokoda virtues in its participants, qualities of mateship, endurance, courage and sacrifice, while also raising money to help Australian teens reach their potential. Participants trek a 96km or 48km course nonstop that leads along fire trails, cross 12 creeks and summits 5,000m of vertical elevation in teams of four students and one adult leader. Thank you to our Group Leaders for 2022, Mr Brett Richards and Mrs Lexi Morton.
The goal is to finish as a complete team within 39 hours in honour of the spirit forged on the Kokoda Track in 1942 by the 39th Battalion.
The event is held on the Gold Coast hinterland (Mudgeeraba) on the weekend of 16 and 17 July. Students and support crews are tested both mentally and physically throughout this gruelling trek, but the achievement is well worth it and will never be forgotten. There is also a fundraising component to the challenge which requires that students raise a minimum of $850 per team to go to the Kokoda Challenge Youth Program for under privileged youth.
If you would like to make a donation to support our students please head to the links below:
HSC Parent Connect žžƵstyle Bake Fundraiser
The HSC Parent Connect are running a žžƵstyle Bake Fundraiser. For more information please .

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Director of Campuses
After much anticipation and waiting for the weather to be kind to us, our Years 3 to 6 students from the Junior College were able to participate in the Track and Field Carnival today – and what a beautiful sunny day it was.
The students showed great competitiveness and sportsmanship as they competed in all events. A huge thank you goes to Mr Darryl Fry, our Junior College Sports Coordinator, who put in hours of time to organise this event. Thank you also to the staff and parent helpers who ensured the day ran smoothly.
This week I was fortunate enough to attend a tour of Contemporary Learning trip in Melbourne. This involved me visiting five different schools to see how they structure their student learning. As much as I loved learning about other schools and have brought back many ideas to share, it was also affirming to know that we are doing wonderful things at our Junior College campuses. I was also fortunate to have three days of beautiful sunny weather in Melbourne, which is something we have not seen much of in Queensland of late.
You will notice on our weekly events that bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews will open in Parent Lounge on Monday. These interviews will run throughout the last week of this term. Please make sure you book in a time that suits you so that you can catch up with your child’s teacher. We look forward to sharing your child’s progress with you.
Blessings for the week ahead
to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.
to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 7.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campuses
JC Parent/Teacher Interviews - Open Monday 30 May
Parent/Teacher Interviews will be open for bookings on Monday 30 May at 8am and close on Friday 10 June at 3pm!
We will be holding our Parent/Teacher Interviews during Week 9. There will be interviews conducted before and after school from Monday 13 June until Friday 17 June. All bookings will be made through .
If you are unsure as to how to book your Parent/Teacher Interview, .
for instructions on how to access your Parent Lounge account.
JC Library News
Wow, I have been absolutely overwhelmed with the support that the 2022 Scholastic Book Fair has received. I have loved how eager the students have been to purchase new books to read and thrilled that families have been so generous in their shopping at the Book Fairs.
Many students were very excited to be lucky enough to receive either a choice from the lucky dip or a $10 voucher to put towards their shopping. All students making a purchase received a new bookmark.
There has been over $7,000 in sales across the Junior College this week, which is incredible! This means I am able to purchase many new resources for both of our Junior College libraries from the commission these sales have generated. Thank you so much for your support of our extremely successful 2022 Scholastic Book Fair.
National Simultaneous Storytime was held on Wednesday morning at 11am and we gathered together to share the story Family Tree written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. I was very impressed with the beautiful behaviour of the students yesterday as we all watched a recording of the current Australian Children’s Laureate Gabrielle Wang read this book to us all.
The annual event is promoted by the Australian Library and Information Association and they reported that it was the biggest storytime ever with 2,186,347 people from 59,038 locations across Australia, New Zealand and around the world registered to share this story at the same time.
Next term we will be celebrating the 2022 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Week and CBCA awards. The theme this year is Dreaming with eyes open… As in previous years, we will be having a dress up parade and Pyjama Storytime as part of our celebrations in Book Week. I will keep you updated about this as the time comes closer.
Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator
JC Year 2 Local History Tours
On Friday 3 June, our JC Year 2 students will be going on their Local History Tours to the Royal Bulls Head Inn and Cobb + Co Museum. This excursion will help to develop their awareness of local history and community heritage. An email has been sent with more information regarding this tour.
Parents are required to go into Parent Lounge to acknowledge your consent by Wednesday 1 June 2022:
- Login to >
- click on Tours & Excursions >
- click on JC Year 2 Local History Tours >
- Accept
- Save
If you have any further inquiries, please contact your child's teacher.
QCIS Cross Carnival - Wednesday 1 June
On Wednesday 1 June, students will attend the QCIS Cross Country at Downlands College. Parents are asked to drop their runner at SSC by 8.15am for an 8.30am departure. The bus will depart Downlands College at 2pm after the presentation. There will be a drop off to each campus for a normal school pickup.
Parents are welcome to take their child from Downlands but please see a Concordia staff member before leaving.
for an event time line. Please note these times are approximate.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Disco - 10 June

HSC Wine and Cheese Night - 10 June
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Year 4 Cycle Safety
Each year, the Year 4 students attend a Cycle Safety Program with the PCYC at Groom Park. Please find below the details of the program.
Time and Dates:
Tuesday 31 May and Tuesday 7 June - 9am to 1.30pm
Students are required to:
• wear their sports uniform and College hat;
• bring a packed lunch, water bottle and sunscreen;
• if you have a bike helmet you are welcome to bring it along. Bikes will be provided by PCYC.
If you haven't already done so, please log in to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child to attend.
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
WSC Parent Connect Wine & Cheese Evening - Friday 3 June
WSC Disco - Mad Hatters - Friday 12 May
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
As I write this, the music is pumping on the oval for the Junior College Track and Field Carnival. They have certainly struck it lucky with a gem of a day. We have a number of Senior College students assisting with the running of events.
I love the atmosphere of Concordia carnivals – they are truly a celebration of the great relationships between our students, staff and parents. We look forward to shortly announcing the winning House and age champions for our Track and Field Carnivals - stay tuned and fingers crossed for an Altus win! (Editor's note: No way! Go Stedman!)

Visit to Parliament House
I got to play bus driver on Wednesday, as Mr Paul Baker and I accompanied our College and Campus Captains – Amyleigh Murphy and Mark Sims (SSC), Evi Purchase and Anya Vermeulen (WSC) and Emily Holding and Emma Walkington (HSC) to Queensland Parliament.
We were treated to a personal tour by our local MP and Concordia Old Scholar, Mr žžƵ Janetzki MP. Mr Janetzki was very gracious with his time in telling us about the inner workings of Parliament House and Queensland democracy. To top it off he also treated us with a three-course meal at the Parliament House restaurant – Strangers (but apparently flowers and oysters do not count as food…).
Much to our surprise, we also had unexpected visitors to our table – Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, and Minister for Education, Grace Grace. Our students did a wonderful job representing Concordia, and I’m sure they have formed long lasting memories from their day.
Year 9 into Year 10 in 2023 Subject Information Evening
On Monday 30 May, we will be holding our subject information evening for our current Year 9 students and their parents from 5.30pm in E1 Lecture Theatre. This information will help guide student thinking as they prepare to select subjects later in the year for their Year 10 studies.
Ms Wendy Bowen, our Director of Learning and Innovation, will lead the evening and will be able to take any questions you might have about student pathways. We look forward to welcoming parents and students to this event.
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week is held 27 May to 3 June annually, commemorating two significant dates in Australian history, namely the successful 1967 referendum which changed the constitution and allowed First Nations people the right to vote and the High Court Mabo decision which recognised the land rights of Torres Strait Islanders.
Each year during Reconciliation Week, Australians are asked to reflect on the role they play in moving toward a reconciled future, and the part every Australian plays in building relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.
In 2022, the theme for National Reconciliation Week is, “Be Brave. Make Change.” Over the coming week, the College will explore this theme will students, culminating with a special ceremony next Friday 3 June.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Year 10 Subject Selection Information Evening

Elevate Parent Webinar
Queensland Conservatorium State Honours Ensemble Program
Concordia had six students represent the College in the Queensland Conservatorium State Honours Ensemble Program, Darling Downs over the weekend 21 and 22 May. This program is an educational program for music students that helps extend and encourage their pursuit of musical excellence. Students need to be nominated from their school to apply before they are then selected from a list of criteria.
Congratulations to the following students:
Band: Zoe Pietsh, Lily Pietsch and Samuel Lawrence
Strings: Chloe Wilson and Yuan Cabahug
Choir: Jemma Welsh
If you are interested in learning instrumental music and being part of these programs in the future, please complete the or email the Coordinator of Music Performance,
Ms Christina Marangelli
Coordinator of Music Performance
Boarding News
We are on the home stretch and our students are looking forward to the upcoming break. The weather has been very cool, and our students have felt the cold snap.
On return in Term 3, could you all please ensure that your child has suitable, warm clothing. The winter months are particularly cold and with influenza and COVID around, we don't want these illnesses to spread. Keeping warm and practicing high standards of hygiene will assist in keeping both at bay. Please remind your child to report to staff if they are feeling unwell or symptomatic and to present at the Health Centre during school time to see Miss Libby.
This weekend is Boarder Experience Weekend. We look forward to sharing our weekend with new and potential boarding students for 2023.
Currently, we are hosting the Pacific Lutheran College female volleyballers from the Sunshine Coast.
This weekend, events will be Shopping at Grand Central on Saturday afternoon and a Games night of Jeopardy run by Mr Andrew in the Function room.
Club sports on Saturday for those participating. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the Parent to organise drop offs and pickups for non-school related sports. We will assist in late changes where possible pending staff availability.
This week we would like to mention our cleaning and maintenance/grounds staff who work behind the scenes to ensure that our buildings and grounds are kept in immaculate condition. The College is looking fantastic. Thank you all.
Have a great week and stay safe.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls Houseparent