
The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 8

Monday August 28 - Friday September 1

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Our Year 12 students need to be congratulated on how well they have managed the Mock Exam Block experience for themselves. They will again be reminded that the Mock Exams are an opportunity to gauge where they are at in terms of their final preparation with the end-of-year External Assessments in Term 4. This upcoming timeline will allow both the students and their teachers to review and fine-tune where the Mock exams have indicated a further focus is required. Good luck to our Year 11 students as they get ready for their Exam Block which takes place next week.

From the College Pastor

Community News

See you in September

Concordia Lutheran College has made a change to the dates of the Open Morning. It was scheduled for the morning of August 8, but will now be a week of “See you in September”.

This new event will take place for a week from September 11th and will offer opportunity to view the college and its facilities, as well as meet teachers and members of the staff. It will help families see the authentic college environment and ask questions of both staff and students.

As always, parents and carers are welcome to come and inspect any of our Concordia campuses on any school day of the week.

We look forward to seeing you in September! If you would like to register your interest to visit one of the mornings of this week, please send an email to Enrolments@concordia.qld.edu.au and be on the lookout for more information. Write the new dates in your calendar.

CLC Walk My Way 2023

Walk your way to help children in East Africa to walk their way into education!

$26 provides schooling for a year for a child in a refugee camp.  Please support your children in this endeavour. More information can be found on the attached flyer. Donations can be made by clicking on the link below:

Make sure to scroll down to your house and click on it as donations are done through your house - Altus, Kessler, Stedman.

Ready to Bloom - Soloist Concert

Ready to Bloom - Soloist Concert will be on August 31 at 5.30 in the Chapel at SSC.

CLC Choral Showcase

This Monday August 28 our Concordia students will be showcasing their beautiful voices during our Choral Showcase.  SSC Chapel, 5.30PM - you don't want to miss this!

Cookie Dough Orders - Pick Up

Cookie Dough orders will be ready for pick up on Thursday 31 August and can be collected from the Bunya Room in the Concordia Function Centre at Stephen Street Campus, on Thursday afternoon between 3.15pm and 4pm. Please remember to bring an esky/bag to collect your order.

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Junior Campus Sport News

Central Zone Track & Field Carnival 2023 
What a beautiful day for our athletes and spectators at the Central Zone Track & Field Carnival on Wednesday 9 August. Our athletes were rewarded with great results for their effort. Ten students were selected for the Central Zone team to compete at the Darling Downs Regional Trials held on Tuesday 15 August.

JC Weekly STEM Challenge

Week 8’s Stem Challenge is the Healthy Eating Challenge: “It is important to eat a balanced diet, can you design something healthy and delicious to eat on Makers Empire. Happy designing!”

JC Year 5 Cobb & Co Museum Excursion - Wednesday 30 August

Please note the change of day to Wednesday 30 August 2023

As part of their studies, the Year 5 students from Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus will be visiting the Cobb + Co Museum on Wednesday 30 August 2023.
Please see attached parent letter for more information.
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 18 August.
 Login to  >

  • click on Events & Payments >
  • click on JC Year 5 Cobb & Co Museum Excursion >
  • Accept >
  • Save

If you have any questions please contact your child's teacher.

JC Year 6 Cairns Trip

On Monday 4 September to Friday 8 September our JC Year 6 students will be attending the exciting Cairns Trip. Please find attached and . 

All students are to be dropped at Hume Street Campus by 6am for a 6.45am departure.

Should you have any further queries regarding the Cairns Trip, please contact your child’s teacher

JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Great Barrier Reef Education Experience Program

Our JC Year 6 class will depart and head to Cairns in September.

To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Queensland Government, through the Great Barrier Reef Education Experience Program, provided a subsidy to the school of $150.00 per student who will be attending the excursion.

We wish all of our Year 6 students, their teachers and our parent helpers, a safe trip. We look forward to following them each day through their Seesaw blogs. 

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Pupil Free Day - Friday 1 September

Please don’t forget that we have a mandated day on Friday 1 September. Teachers will be using this day to moderate work between the two campuses to ensure that report card ratings are equivalent. Peace Lutheran School have in years past been a part of this process but are working on a project of their own this year.

Please remember that our OSHC services are operating and ready to take your bookings.

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 8.

HSC Tuckshop Orders - Cancelled Week 8

Due to function commitments, Tuckshop has cancelled for Week 8. Tuckshop will be on in Week 9.

All orders are to be completed online at  by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

HSC Parent Connect Father's Day Stall - Wednesday 31 August

The HSC Parent Connect will be running our annual Father’s Day Stall on Thursday 31 August. There will be $5.00 gifts available to purchase.

Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Dads, Grandads or any other special Fatherly role models. All orders and money are due by Friday 25 August. 

Please place the money in an envelope marked with:  

  • Child’s name
  • Amount in envelope
  • Number of gifts to be purchased

Walk My Way 2023 at HSC- 15 September

Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. HSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 2.15pm. Parents and visitors are welcome to come and walk with us.  

For more information on this event and to register for a team or donate please see the Concordia College Walk My Way in the Community News or .

HSC See you in September

Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about? 

See You in September is like an Open Day but people can come and visit us while we are getting on with our day’s learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out Concordia, we would love to See them in September.

For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News. 

Cans 4 Cash Collection - Yr 3 & 4 Sustainability Project

Hume Street Campus Year 3 and 4 students have been learning about Sustainability and how to care for the environment this term as part of our Project Based Learning unit.

Students were fortunate to have the opportunity to have a guided tour of the Harristown Containers for Change to learn about the process of recycling cans, bottles and cartons.

Our Year 3 and 4 students have set a challenge to collect 10000 cans, bottles and cartons! We are just over halfway towards this goal! We plan to use the money from these donations towards purchasing new junior soccer goals to benefit our whole school community.

We appreciate your continued support with our project by bringing in any cans, bottles and donations to our Hume Street Campus so that these can be recycled.

HSC Grandparents' Day - 15 September

We would love to invite our special Grandparents to come and spend the morning with our students on Friday 15 September.
8.45am Special Chapel Service
9.30am Classroom visits
10.15am Shared morning tea in the Junior Playground. 

Please use the link below to register your attendance by Friday 8 September

We look forward to welcoming as many Grandparents as can join us this year.

HSC Father's Day Breakfast and Minute to Win It Activities

HSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons

Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre (CAQ). They will participate in eight lessons which will occur in Week 9, Term 3 and Week 2, Term 4. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October at the CAQ. Please for their swimming schedule.

Please ensure that students have the following:

  • Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
  • Thongs
  • Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 8.


HELPERS NEEDED - Cookie Dough Packaging and Distributing


Cookie Dough will be delivered on Wednesday 30 August. We are needing helpers from Warwick Street Campus to organise packaging and distribution of cookie dough on Thursday afternoon. If you are available to help please be at Stephen Street Campus Kitchen Wednesday 30 August from 4.30pm.

WSC Prep to Year 2 Swimming Lessons

Our students from Prep to Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre (CAQ) on Friday 8 September. They will participate in five lessons, with one being in Week 9 and four in Week 10, Term 3. The students will then participate in a Prep to Year 2 Mini Carnival on Tuesday 17 October, Term 4 at the CAQ. 

Please ensure that students have the following items:

  • Warm clothing - this would be great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like
  • Swimming togs
  • Goggles
  • House swimming cap
  • Towel

To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.

WSC Father’s Day Stall

The Parent Connect will be running our annual Father’s Day Stall on Thursday 31 August. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.

Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Dads, Grandads or any other special fatherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 31 August. If you would like your child to purchase more than one gift (maybe for Grandad?), there may be an opportunity for them to do so.

Please place the money in an envelope marked with:  

  • Child’s name
  • Amount in envelope
  • Number of gifts to be purchased

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

WSC Father's Day Sausage Sizzle - Thursday 31 August

WSC OSHC - Vacation Care

It is encouraging to see so many families utilising the service. Please see attached the program for these September school holidays.

Walk My Way 2023 at WSC- 15 September

Each campus will be participating in Walk My Way again this year. Last year we raised $3610 and helped 139 children to be able to go to school. We are aiming to be able to assist more children this year. WSC will be participating in WMW Friday 15 September at 1.45pm. Parents and visitors are welcome to come and walk with us.  

For more information on this event and to register or donate, please see the Concordia College Walk My Way in the Community News or .

Pupil Free Day - Friday 1 September

Please don’t forget that we have a mandated day on Friday 1 September. Teachers will be using this day to moderate work between the two campuses to ensure that report card ratings are equivalent. 

Please remember that our OSHC services are operating and ready to take your bookings.

WSC See you in September

Have you seen the flyers for this event and wondered what they are all about? 

See You in September and come and visit us while we are getting on with our day’s learning. If you know anyone who is interested in checking out Concordia, we would love to See them in September.

For more information and to view the flyer, please see the article in Community News. 

Stephen Street Campus

Sport News

Sports News – Term 3, Week 7

Toowoomba Secondary Schools Chess Championships

Well done to our two junior Chess teams that competed at the Toowoomba Secondary Schools Chess Championships last Friday and Saturday. One of our teams finished 3rd place missing out on 2nd by half a point. 


Boarding News

Hello to all our Boarding families.

Wow, 3 weeks to go until end of Term 3! I know I keep saying it,” where has the time gone”. Our Year 12 students have completed their mock exams, and it's time to get all the finishing touches for the Graduation Dinner sorted. Accommodation, dresses, suits, make up, hair, accessories, and Transport etc. What an exciting and emotional time for all Year 12 students.

Welcome from the Leadership Team