
The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 7

Monday 14 November to Friday 18 November 2022

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As parents, and for us as educators, we often wonder and wait for those affirmations and light-bulb moments to happen for our children at home and for our students at school. And then an event takes place, a behaviour or response at home happens or a moment occurs at school which confirms why we get out of bed, get them out of bed, and turn up for these young people everyday. Well, I have had the wonderful opportunity this week to witness both our Junior College and Senior College students stepping up and affirming the great upward trajectory which they are on.

From the College Pastor

Remembrance Day

The day of publication of this The Week Ahead is Remembrance Day, when we recall the end of the war to end all wars, World War I, which concluded with an armistice coming into force on the 11/11/1918 at 11am. The war had caused great devastation across Europe and around the world and cost millions their lives, and scarred millions more.

At all our campuses we will observe this occasion to remember those who died, ultimately ensuring that we can enjoy the democratic freedoms we so easily take for granted.

As we observe Remembrance Day we are also painfully aware that WWI did not end all wars, in fact only 21 years later it was exceeded by an even more deadly worldwide conflagration. And while we in the West have enjoyed over 70 years of peace, conflicts have raged in many regions of the world and now, sadly again also in Europe.

Community News

2022 Presentation Evening

NAPLAN - March 2023

NAPLAN tests will be conducted in March 2023. All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to participate in NAPLAN tests. Concordia Lutheran College will be conducting NAPLAN tests through online testing. The testing dates will be advised early in Term 1, 2023.

NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students have already learnt through the school curriculum. Concordia teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Practice testing has taken place for all students who need to undertake the NAPLAN testing in 2023.

NAPLAN tests are constructed to give students an opportunity to demonstrate skills they have learnt. NAPLAN tests give you information on how your child is progressing against national standards.


Do you have an old TV?

The 2023 Musical team are searching for a retro/vintage television. Can you help? We need an old TV with AV input. The Ideal would be for a TV/VCR combo, as seen in the below photo, but a TV and separate VCR would do the trick too. So if you’ve got one lurking in the back of a shed or maybe you know someone who keeps one in the games room, we would love to hear from you. 

Please contact jess.merretz@concordia.qld.edu.au if you know where we could source one. 

International Men's Day BBQ

We hope you can join us for this special event.

Car Boot Sale - Postponed

Hume Street OSHC - Bake Sale - Closing Monday 14 November

Please for a copy of the order form.

Free Family Event

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors

With the end of the term getting closer, and their time at the Junior College coming to an end for our Year 6 students, we have started to look back on all that they have achieved. Next week, these students will enjoy taking a trip down memory lane at our traditional Year 6 Dinners as they celebrate their last seven years at primary school. This a special evening for our students and their parents as they reminisce, laugh and share stories of their time at our junior campuses. 

Library News

As the end of the year and Term 4 are almost here, I would like to thank you for your support with the Scholastic Book Club. Your generous purchases throughout the year have allowed me to buy many more books for our libraries. I am always guided by the students' interests and they certainly are a keen group of readers. I love seeing the students' excitement when they either receive their book club order or see me carrying the boxes to the library for unpacking. The final Scholastic Book Club orders for 2022 have been distributed this week and I look forward to running a very successful Book Club again in 2023.

Borrowing has now finished for the year and in Week 7, all books at home will need to be returned. They will be able to still have some books in their classroom book boxes until the end of Week 7. Please remind your children to return all of their books on their designated library day to help with the process of clearing all their loans by the end of the term. There will be no borrowing over the Christmas School holidays and any outstanding books will be billed for. Lastly, thank you everyone for the wonderful support you give your children in encouraging them to read regularly, listening to them reading and reading aloud to them. Their enthusiasm for reading comes from your efforts and makes my job so much easier working with children who are truly engaged in this part of their learning process.

Mrs Karen Maben
Junior Campus Library Coordinator

JC Swimming Carnival Meal Deal - 17 November

On Thursday 17 November, the WSC Parent Connect are providing a meal deal for students at the Swimming Carnival and those students at their campus. Meal Deals will be delivered to the pool at 10.30am, HSC at 10.45am and to WSC at 12.45pm.

Orders are through My Student Account and close on Monday 14 November 2022 at 3pm.

Please note: This meal deal will replace Tuckshop in Week 7 for both WSC and HSC

Meal Deal details are below.
Cost: $8.00 with Gluten Free Options available

Option 1 - Wrap, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken, Ham or Vegetarian Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper

Option 2 - Sushi, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken Teriyaki or Tuna and Mayo Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper

JC 2022 Inter-House Swimming Carnival - 17 November

On Thursday 17 November students from the age group 8-12 year olds will be participating in the JC 2022 Inter-House Swimming Carnival held at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Students will need to be dropped at the pool by 8.15am for an 8.30am start. for a copy of the program.

We are looking for parent who are available on the day to help with timekeeping. We are running 2 sessions 8.30am to 10.20am and 10.50am to 12.30pm. If you are able to help please to submit your availability.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 7.

HSC Icy Poles - $1.00 - Tuesday 15 November

Our Student Council have organised a $1 icy pole day on Tuesday 15 November to support the RSPCA over the Christmas holiday as they are inundated with surrendered animals over this period.

HSC Tree Planting with Buddies

To finish off a project that we have been working on for many years, we are going to plant the southern fence line near the Hume Street oval. On Monday 14 November, students can wear their old clothes ready to do some planting with their buddies. We look forward to finishing this project and then watching the rest of the fence line green up.

2023 Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Zoe Hutchinson is coming to HSC for a visit and to meet her 2023 Year 4 students Tuesday at 2.30pm. I’m sure the Year 3 class will be very interested to meet her. She will stay for a little bit after school so if any parents would like to come into the Year 3 classroom, they would also be welcome to meet Zoe.

HSC Year 4 Fun Afternoon - 18 November

On Friday 18 November our Year 4 students will enjoy a fun afternoon at SSC. This afternoon will be run by the Year 9 students as part of their Leadership Training and following on from their Googa trip. Students will participate in the following activities:

  • Everyone will make a Christmas bauble and reindeer biscuits.
  • Students can opt in on
    • Finger painting on canvas
    • Face painting
    • Christmas card making
  • Students are free to rotate through
    • Can toss
    • Obstacle course
    • Mini golf
    • Giant Connect 4
    • Giant Jenga 

There will also be live music and a photo booth on the day. HSC students will catch the College bus over to SSC but due to the clash with Year 5/6 Friday Inter-School Sport we have the options below.
Option 1: You are welcome to pick them up from SSC at 2.30pm instead of a normal school pick up at HSC.
Option 2: Students will be returned to HSC by Taxi. We will have a staff member in each taxi with the students.  

Could you please indicate below how your child will return from SSC on Friday 18 November from the fun afternoon. Please submit your response by Wednesday 16 November.

Link -  

If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Reception.

HSC Volunteers' Chapel Service and Morning Tea - 18 November

HSC Awards and Musical Information

The following awards will be presented at our Musical on Thursday 24 November - Borgelt Family Achievement Award (Year 4 student), Conrad Carrigan Bursary Award (Year 5 student) and some Blues sports awards. The food vans will be available 5pm-5.45pm. Students will be required in their classrooms at 5.45pm to be ready for a 6pm start. 

The Martin Kretzchmar Lighthouse Award will be presented at the CLC Presentations Night at the Empire Theatre on Monday 21 November and then shared with our HSC community at the Musical.

HSC Musical - 24 November

HSC Parent Connect Fun Spectacular Day

To celebrate our last week and have a bit of fun, we will be having a Fun Spectacular Day on Thursday 24 November. This is being funded by our Parent Connect group. Parents are more than welcome to join us between 8.30am-10.45am.

HSC Final Chapel Service

Please join us on Friday 25 November 2pm for our final 2022 Chapel service. We will have the badge presentation for our 2023 Leaders as well as celebrating and farewelling our Year 6 students. We look forward to our traditional send-off through the tunnel to the next part of their journey. We will also finish the afternoon with a time of fellowship and watermelon in the junior playground.

HSC 2023 Booklists

Our 2023 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in .

Orders that were placed and paid for before Wednesday 16 November will be ready for collection from HSC Resource Centre on Thursday 24 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.

Brown’s Office Choice -

Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2023 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.

  • Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
  • Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
  • Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible. 

2023 Tennis Coaching at HSC

Tennis coaching will be available in Term 1, 2023. Please click below for the relevant information:

Donation From Our Saviour's Congregation

Letter from the congregation of Our Saviour’s …  

On 30 October, Our Saviour’s congregation sadly closed its doors for the last time. As a result of this, we would like you to have these things for your chapel. We hope this will enhance your experience as you spend time talking to and praising the Lord. 

The first service at Our Saviour’s was held in what is now the church hall on 31 January 1965. St Pauls church donated an Altar, crucifix and candles to be used in the hall. The new church was built and dedicated on 1 October, 1972. This church had a new altar with crucifix and candles. The old altar was then put into storage and then used in our workshop room at Sunday school. This altar was lent to Martin Luther Primary Campus in 2009. 

Today, we would like to donate this altar with the original candle sticks and crucifix together with Paraments and processional cross to your school. 

On Friday 4 November, members of Our Saviour’s came to our Chapel Service and handed this items over to us. Our history has been linked with Our Saviour’s for many years and we feel blessed to have these items gifted to us.  

HSC Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord - Term 1 2023

We are excited that Mr Les Lord will be running Chess Coaching sessions commencing Tuesday 31 January 2023 from 10.45am to 11.30am in the Art Room. The cost per student for six Chess Lessons will be $45.00.

If your child would like to participate please submit your permission and payment on Parent Lounge.   

Permission Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for your child to attend this excursion by Friday 27 January 2023.

  • Login to  >
  • click on Events and Payments >
  • click on HSC Term 1 2023 Chess Lessons with Les Lord >
  • Accept >
  • Make your payment >
  • Save 

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please  to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 7.

WSC Volunteers' Chapel Service and Morning Tea - 18 November

WSC Musical - 22 November 2022

Costumes for WSC Musical

Parents, please see list below of costume requirements for our Christmas Musical, ‘Lights, Camel, Action 2!’
Some items of your child’s costume will be provided. Please contact your teacher if you have any difficulties finding the items below:

WSC 2023 Booklists

Our 2023 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in .

Orders that were placed and paid for before Monday 14 November will be ready for collection from WSC Shed on Wednesday 23 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.

Brown’s Office Choice -

Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2023 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.

  • Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
  • Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
  • Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible. 

WSC Tennis Coaching Term 1 2023

If your child is interested in tennis coaching in Term 1, 2023,  for more information:

WSC Special Prep Tennis Coaching Term 1 2023

If your Prep child is interested in learning Tennis in Term 1, 2023,  for more information.

WSC Tuckshop Orders

Please note: There will be no Tuckshop this week due to Swimming Carnival Meal Deal on Thursday 17 November.

WSC Final Chapel Service

Please join us on Friday 25 November 2pm for our final 2022 Chapel service. We will have the badge presentation for our 2023 Leaders as well as celebrating and farewelling our Year 6 students. We look forward to our traditional send-off through the tunnel to the next part of their journey. 

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Today marks the final milestone in the journey for our Year 12 students, with exams coming to a close this afternoon. I wish to acknowledge how well the Year 12s have prepared and applied themselves in this exam period. As I mentioned in a previous edition, the end of Year 12 is an emotional rollercoaster, as students need to combine the high of end of school celebrations with the stress and pressure of exams, which in some subjects count for 50% of their overall grade. Next Wednesday we will be holding a final brunch for this cohort, as a final gesture of appreciation for them as an amazing group of young adults, bidding them farewell as they enter a time of greater independence in their lives ahead. Well done, Year 12 – we will miss you.

2023 Book Lists

2023 Book Lists are now available from Browns Office Choice, Toowoomba. Orders that are placed and paid for before Tuesday 16 December can be collected from Browns Office Choice from Thursday 22 December.

The Edge Cafe

Start your week off on the right foot with a coffee, hot chocolate or Chai Latte from The Edge Café.

The Café is open 8am to 9.15am every Monday this term. All beverages are one size and a bargain $3 each (Soy or Almond milk + 50c). Payment via MSA or EFTPOS, no cash.

Students, parents and staff are invited to pop in and have a coffee take away or stay and chat while Kochie catches you up with the latest news on Sunrise.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Empire Theatre Bursary Winners

Our congratulations go to three very talented young performers who were awarded a share of the Empire Theatres Foundation’s $25,000 in bursaries. Lily Pietsch, Zoe Pietsch and Henry Thorne will receive ongoing support from the Empire Theatre Youth Bursary in 2022/3 and will have the opportunity to attend some very exciting summer schools and intensives. Henry will participate in a Summer Intensive at Brent Street Performing Arts, Lily a Summer School at Queensland Ballet and Zoe, a Summer School at Cuskelly College of Music – Brass. 

The Empire Youth Bursaries are presented with the aim of developing skills and giving new experiences to young artists who demonstrate talent, involvement, and achievement in a performing arts discipline. These Year 8 Arts students went through several stages after applying for the bursary, and with their impressive resumes and panel interviews, were selected from a substantial field of young people from a large region. 

Congratulations, Lily, Zoe and Henry! We look forward to hearing about your experiences next year as you extend your performance skills and make new connections with people in the industry.

Sports Update


Open Girls - The girls have progressed to the final which will be held next week. All the best!

Rugby 7s

Last night were the finals for Rugby 7s. The U13 boys played TAS in the 3rd Vs 4th match and went down narrowly 22-14, which saw them finish in 4th place out of 12 teams. A tremendous effort for a team of boys who have not played much Rugby before.

The Open boys put in another valiant effort with only six players but unfortunately lost their final game to Mary Mackillop/Highlands. 

Tennis Coaching in 2023


Boarding News

Hello to all our Boarding families. With Christmas around the corner and candy cane aplenty, our students have started to decorate the foyer with balloons and a Christmas tree. While our tree looks a little underdressed, it has still created a Christmas feeling when we enter the dorm.  

Our students are plodding along at finishing off assessments, sports have all nearly finished with the Girls Futsal final next week to come. Good luck, girls. 

Kashar received a trophy for most valued player for Volleyball. Girls Rugby 7s came 4th in the competition and the boys also came 4th.

Year 9 students received their Certificate of Recognition of their involvement in The Rite Journey this week. 

Our Year 10 exams commence on Monday and will end on Friday. Do well, everyone.

Activities for this weekend will be Mini Golf, shopping at Grand Central and a movie on Sunday.

We are all enjoying the warmer weather and look forward to spending more time outside over the next couple of weeks.

Hope you enjoy the pic this week.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent

Welcome from the Leadership Team